Today is my birthday! I have no plans set. Probably will go out drinking I guess because I turn 21 but I'm not going right now and birthdays are always difficult for me. I get depressed for some reason.
So I am listening to Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness.
I was just talking with my ex-boyfriend/roommate about this. I could listen to this album by Smashing Pumpkins over and over instead of any new music. I don't know any new music anymore. I used to spend a lot of time in high school finding music and making playlists. And now I am completely uninterested. I feel very old. I have basically rejected all current media and culture. Like blogging for example, I didn't really know what it was until March and I started one in the same week because I like writing. I knew there was such a thing as blogging and bloggers but I had never read one or even knew that anyone could have one. I thought you had to be like, a famous person to do that. Or have to pay to have one. I didn't know there was this whole blogsphere. Or, Instagram, or Twitter. I guess when I got an iPhone I started looking into online social media more. It's my first smartphone and I would have never gotten one, but my brother bought me it and pays the bill. Score!
I'm rambling, but the point is I just don't understand culture anymore. It's a really weird feeling. Fashion, slang, music, movies. It's all different. I don't really like it. Honestly, I haven't seen a lot of new culture stuff but from what I see on social media stuff, it's too foreign to me. I don't have cable, or listen to the radio, and I don't hang out with many people anymore because we've all gotten so busy. I have no way to learn about this new stuff.
And so I reject it wholeheartedly.
I think it started after I went to the psych ward and went back to Mississippi. I just started listening to only the same music. Now I listen to cassettes and records. This might sound like pretentious hipster shit, and for a while I was scared that's what it was. But I figured out why I like records and cassettes and felt better. I like them because you can't really change the track. MP3s have really taken something away from the artist's vision when making an album. This "Shuffle" option allows people to listen to a variety of music but there is something in how the artist places songs on an album. Listening to an album through is like a story (if it's a good album). I used to have an iPod, I've had 3 actually and they've all been stolen, and when I would put Shuffle on sometimes it would play Brain Damage by Pink Floyd. AND THEN NOT GO INTO ECLIPSE. If anyone has heard The Dark Side of the Moon you'd understand the tragedy of the issue.
So I had 3 MP3 players and was VERY into music. I mean VERY. I read a lot of Wikipedia, I still do. I can give you music trivia, songs or album names, I can name a tune if I know it with just a little riff part. Sometimes, in 3 notes played. Because I was crazy about music having an MP3 player was one of the best things in my life. I had some much music! See, I have about 100 Gigs of music on my PC and I had an 8 gig iPod. When I listened to that thing I had such a collection! But, it took my forever to decide what I wanted to hear. I listen to music so much I knew the music all well, but what did I feel like playing just then? And after that song... what to play next? It was actually kinda stressful. I like music too much to choose. So, I have deleted the option of choice. It makes like easier.
I suppose this mentality could be a metaphor to like, people taking the road of least resistance to have an easy life. Following the heard. Stuff like that. But I'm really not worried about just following the crowd. As previously stated, I have no fucking clue about the "heard" and don't understand them. I'm 21 and teenagers and kids my age all confuse the fuck out of me. So I have found joy in collecting cassettes because most of the music I listen to is 90s alternative. Actually, let me take this time to explain a term that I may use again in later blogs.
The Coldplay Principle:
Coldplay is a British rock band formed in 1996, (thanks Wikipedia!) this means I was 5 years old when they came out. None the less I consider Coldplay a "New" band. Their first hit was "Yellow" that came out in 2000, so I was 9 when it came out. But by age 9 my musical taste was already pretty developed. My mother it to credit for that. She listened to Pearl Jam, U2, and Red Hot Chili Peppers a lot when I was a kid so I grew up listening to 90s alternative rock. Except U2, other than "Mysterious Ways" and a few other songs, U2 isn't my style. Mom listened to the local hit rock station, and when I was a kid the hit rock was pretty awesome. There are of course exceptions. Lit's "My Own Worst Enemy" is an example of this. I fucking hate that song - it's just not good. So by age 9, I was pretty into so awesome bands. I was just too young to know it. And then when I was about 12 or 13 my older brother got one of the most important gifts ever. Important to me at least. We have an Aunt and Uncle who now live in NYC and are like mid 30s hipsters. At least, them seem really hip and always know about new art and books and stuff. Uncle Donnie made us mix cds for Christmas one year. Mine was okay, but they didn't really know me at the time so I don't think they knew what to put on it. David had already shown interest in Nirvana since that was a band we heard a lot growing up. So his mix cd had more of a theme. It started out with Pixies' "Bone Machine" Holy Fuck. It also had Pavement and Melvins. It was an awesome mix. Then it became a game for my brother David and me to find songs from our childhood and listen to them. It was a great feeling to hear a song again for the first time in a long time. You probably know the feeling. We just took it to an extreme. 90s alt. was an obsession for a while. Still basically is. I like to think I basically live in 1994. But that isn't true because I'm blogging right now. Anyways, because most of the shit I like was before Coldplay, Coldplay seems "New" to me. Early 90s and late 80s music feels "Current" and all before that is "Older"
There is some "New" music I like though. I'll name some I've seen in concert: Of Montreal, The New Pornographers, Foxy Shazam, Bright Eyes, The Mountain Goats is actually since 1991 but they feel new because they have only become well known since the world turned really gay for indie music. I don't get that whole indie music craze. I like indie music I suppose, but some is really bad and it's getting formulaic. Fucking beard bands man. Guys with flannel and beards and maybe some hot and/or quirky chick that has a jazzy or soft voice. Fucking hate female singers. Unless they cut that pussy shit out and belt it. Like, Courtney Love, duh. That being said, I do like The Shins, Belle and Sebastian, Bon Iver, and so on. But I think if I had heard those bands now, I would hate them. I realized this as I listened to Voxtrot for the first time in a long time. The guys voice is too young for my ears that are accustomed to Chris Cornell's smoothness. I have realized I do not like music since about, when I went crazy. I just am uninterested in it and hate it for reasons other bands I like have. So all the bands I like must have existed before 2010, because that was the year I went crazy and thus the year I rejected current culture and live in some weird time warp. Exceptions to this: I liked the movies "The Artist" and "Melancholia" that both came out this year.
^^^ That was written Friday, when it was my birthday. Now it is Sunday. I will end this post with the list of "Music I like" I like to make default answers to questions on my preference so it wont be too difficult to answer.
Favorite bands: Pixies and Pinback
Favorite song: "Car" - Built to Spill
Favorite musician: Elliott Smith
What I am currently listening to these days (this one changes): Smashing Pumpkins (obviously), Toadies, Elton John, Rush, Dinosaur Jr., Sparklehorse, Depeche Mode.
PS: pics!
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Monday, July 16, 2012
How I am Going About Losing Weight - Another Girly Issue in My Life
So as I've stated previously that I gained weight since the birth control and despite my hard work the chub wont leave. But this doesn't mean I am giving up. Oh hell no. I'm pretty sure most girls across the world fight weight gain through out their whole lives. So I've been doing a new approach to the whole thing. Well, kinda. One of the first things I have been doing differently is I bought diet pills. bum bum bum. So many people are against diet pills. And I'm not saying everyone should take some, but I feel like many girls DO want to try diet pills but are scared of what people will think.
Well, no shame in my game.
They're called Hokkaido Diet Pills and they look so cute. They have mixed reviews. Some girls say it worked amazingly. Other people say it's all a bunch of bull and people need to lose weight the hard way. Reviews like that annoy me so much. People looking at diet pills are already thinking about getting them and have decided to try them out. Reviews that senselessly bash them and call people lazy for taking them are not helping. Only hurting. I don't understand why people are mean for no reason. Or like reality television.
I just don't get it.
Anyways, I'm trying it out. The cute packaging doesn't hurt either.
Along with the diet pills I bought this reduce cream. It was only $3 on Amazon, and had good reviews. Why not? It's basically this green cream you put on your stomach, thighs, arms, wherever you want to lose weight. It is supposed to make you sweat more in those particular areas. If you wrap your tummy is plastic wrap with it, it's supposed to be even more effective. I haven't actually done that bit yet 'cause it doesn't sound comfortable but I have rubbed the cream on twice a day- it feels good on my skin, makes my skin feel fresh.
The last thing I bought to try new ways of weight loss is slimming socks. They are compress socks that go up to mid thigh or so. I bought two, in pink. I plan to sleep in one pair and bring the other pair to work so I can wear them under my clothes. I sit at a computer all day at work. (Hence a reason I picked up blogging) These compressing socks are supposed to increase blood flow. I already have bad circulation from some of the meds I'm on and I'm a smoker. :x Woops. I hope these bad boys help my blood flow because I sit around at work and when I stand up I am often light headed. They are still coming in the mail so I can't show a picture.
Other than these things I'm still walking everyday. I stopped doing pilates in the morning because since I'm in my new apartment there isn't much room. But I did just get a pass at the gym so I will be going there!! I drink tons of water and eat pretty healthy too.
Well, no shame in my game.
They're called Hokkaido Diet Pills and they look so cute. They have mixed reviews. Some girls say it worked amazingly. Other people say it's all a bunch of bull and people need to lose weight the hard way. Reviews like that annoy me so much. People looking at diet pills are already thinking about getting them and have decided to try them out. Reviews that senselessly bash them and call people lazy for taking them are not helping. Only hurting. I don't understand why people are mean for no reason. Or like reality television.
I just don't get it.
Anyways, I'm trying it out. The cute packaging doesn't hurt either.
Along with the diet pills I bought this reduce cream. It was only $3 on Amazon, and had good reviews. Why not? It's basically this green cream you put on your stomach, thighs, arms, wherever you want to lose weight. It is supposed to make you sweat more in those particular areas. If you wrap your tummy is plastic wrap with it, it's supposed to be even more effective. I haven't actually done that bit yet 'cause it doesn't sound comfortable but I have rubbed the cream on twice a day- it feels good on my skin, makes my skin feel fresh.
The last thing I bought to try new ways of weight loss is slimming socks. They are compress socks that go up to mid thigh or so. I bought two, in pink. I plan to sleep in one pair and bring the other pair to work so I can wear them under my clothes. I sit at a computer all day at work. (Hence a reason I picked up blogging) These compressing socks are supposed to increase blood flow. I already have bad circulation from some of the meds I'm on and I'm a smoker. :x Woops. I hope these bad boys help my blood flow because I sit around at work and when I stand up I am often light headed. They are still coming in the mail so I can't show a picture.
Other than these things I'm still walking everyday. I stopped doing pilates in the morning because since I'm in my new apartment there isn't much room. But I did just get a pass at the gym so I will be going there!! I drink tons of water and eat pretty healthy too.
I also put red cabbage on everything these days. It's so good!
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Throwback Thursday
Well I have a little bit of a head ache. I probably need to eat something. :x So I thought I would just put up a lot of pictures!! My PC, Charles, is working and plugged into the internets! This is the first time in a very long time so I get to put up old old old photos. I'm excited to go through them!!
Here I am about 13 years old, playing DDR with one of my best friends at the time. I call her Sheiko. :) Gosh I used to be such a dork lol Notice the Squee shirt I'm wearing.
Sheiko is in this picture with me too! Along with some of my good friends. We're taking a picture with Chief Peters, who was one of our commanders when we were all in JROTC. This was at the military ball. I was 16 in this photo. My junior year in high school.
This is Christmas morning! I am 16 again in this photo, totally hung over because my family gets drunk every Christmas eve. The cutie in the background is my little brother Chris, who was 5 in this photo.
This is me and my older brother David of Christmas Eve one year later when I was 17. We're showing off our Douglas Coupland books our friend Edward got us. <3
This little baby is Emma when she was about two days old, still in the hospital. I was 18 when she was born. 9/9/09
Another Sheiko picture! She's in a lot, I didn't realize lol. This is my Junior Prom. I learned how to salsa dance that year. Funny, I was wearing a dress I got when I was TWELVE. I was so small in high school. I gotta get back to that size. >.<
This Myspace Angle Photo was taking when I was 16. The guy coming out of my head is Edward.
I personally really like this photo. Riley took this photo in Keyboarding class. We goofed off so much in there. Oh, high school was so fun.
This Gangster Kim was taking in Waffle House when I was 17. This was the night after the Senior Show at the football game. I was a Senior in Marching Band so we all had a blast performing our show and being cocky Seniors. lol I'm also in my pajamas!
Don't worry, I plan to write a legit post soon. I'm really busy with getting my bunny and putting up some shelves I got. I want my apartment to look sah-wheat so I can blog about my awesome apartment. <3
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Review: The Dark Knight Or, An Ode to Batman
Okay so I just watched this movie again last night and I thought it would be perfect for my first review, as I love Batman.
Yesterday when I put the movie in I started talking about how much I dislike Batman Begins. True, I really dislike it. In fact I much prefer the early 90s Batman series to Batman Begins. I love love love Batman Forever. I went through a period where I watched it about once a month. I know that many think it is a bad movie, and granted it is pretty bad, but that's why I like it so much. It feels way more like a comic book than Batman Begins. Batman Begins is so average in style and substance I was very disappointed.
So as I was going on, complaining about Batman Begins, I began thinking about reasons Batman is not just a normal comic but one of my favorites (up there with Sandman and Watchmen.) Batman is dark. Batman feeds into my love of Gothic and horror. Since I can remember I've been in love with horror stories. Batman is supposed to be DARK; the original Batman was dark and it was only with the Comics Code Authority did he become that campy nananana Batman.
But what makes Batman scary? What makes good horror? In Neil Gaiman's "The Doll House," Clive Barker writes an introduction that describes two kinds of horror. One, and most popular, is a seemingly identifiable world that the reader can to relate to, that then is opposed by a foreign, and usually dangerous, force. The original Batman was more of this variety but by the 80's with Frank Miller's "The Dark Knight Returns"- Batman became a second kind of horror.
According to Clive Barker, this second kind of horror is a world that is all foreign and usually dangerous. Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth and The Killing Joke are two of the best comics I've ever read. These stories are entirely chaos and wonder. They are truly scary. Then I realized what makes Batman stand out to me, it is a psychological thriller. Almost every character has serious issues. The villians are so rich. (Don't get me wrong, there have been some bad villians though.) Of course I am specially interested in the Joker, he is so complex!
Let's get back to the point now that I've shared why I like Batman. Batman Begins is not complex. It is very average in my opinion, not very dark at all. It felt like a regular action flick that threw Batman in there. So I thought, "Man I want to see something like Memento meets Batman." Then I found out Christopher Nolan actually directed the new Batman series. lololol
How disappointing.
The Dark Knight on the other hand, was better. Significantly better than Batman Begins. I think a huge part of this is because of Heath Ledger's performance as the Joker. He actually based his Joker on "The Killing Joke" and "Akrham Asylum" so he was the Joker I wanted. But, think of how far they could have gone with that. Take a way a few explosions and get more involved with Joker. Heath locked himself up in a room for a month developing that character- didn't you want to see more? Pick his brain, see his inner struggles and dreams? Now that Heath is gone that will never happen, but I wanted to know the Joker he became. He developed and created. The movie was still good though, I acknowledge that. The two trains of convicts and of civilians who have the ability to kill the other to save themselves was a high tension moment. The copious goons dressed as scary clowns was creepy. Harvey Dent was explained fairly well and his development was coherent. I hope we hear more about his coin dependency in the next movie. Bane will be in the next one too, he looks really well done.
I might have confused some since I love the early 90's Batman but want a psychological thrilling Bat-story. The early 90's have a real Gothic aesthetic I like, but are not intellectually stimulating. But I forgive that because they are goofy and don't take themselves seriously. The current Batman is a serious series that are still not stimulating. The plots are mildly complicated but really average. If you are going to make Batman serious, give justice to the complex levels of the dark drama that is the Caped Crusader.
Yesterday when I put the movie in I started talking about how much I dislike Batman Begins. True, I really dislike it. In fact I much prefer the early 90s Batman series to Batman Begins. I love love love Batman Forever. I went through a period where I watched it about once a month. I know that many think it is a bad movie, and granted it is pretty bad, but that's why I like it so much. It feels way more like a comic book than Batman Begins. Batman Begins is so average in style and substance I was very disappointed.
So as I was going on, complaining about Batman Begins, I began thinking about reasons Batman is not just a normal comic but one of my favorites (up there with Sandman and Watchmen.) Batman is dark. Batman feeds into my love of Gothic and horror. Since I can remember I've been in love with horror stories. Batman is supposed to be DARK; the original Batman was dark and it was only with the Comics Code Authority did he become that campy nananana Batman.
But what makes Batman scary? What makes good horror? In Neil Gaiman's "The Doll House," Clive Barker writes an introduction that describes two kinds of horror. One, and most popular, is a seemingly identifiable world that the reader can to relate to, that then is opposed by a foreign, and usually dangerous, force. The original Batman was more of this variety but by the 80's with Frank Miller's "The Dark Knight Returns"- Batman became a second kind of horror.
According to Clive Barker, this second kind of horror is a world that is all foreign and usually dangerous. Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth and The Killing Joke are two of the best comics I've ever read. These stories are entirely chaos and wonder. They are truly scary. Then I realized what makes Batman stand out to me, it is a psychological thriller. Almost every character has serious issues. The villians are so rich. (Don't get me wrong, there have been some bad villians though.) Of course I am specially interested in the Joker, he is so complex!
Let's get back to the point now that I've shared why I like Batman. Batman Begins is not complex. It is very average in my opinion, not very dark at all. It felt like a regular action flick that threw Batman in there. So I thought, "Man I want to see something like Memento meets Batman." Then I found out Christopher Nolan actually directed the new Batman series. lololol
How disappointing.
The Dark Knight on the other hand, was better. Significantly better than Batman Begins. I think a huge part of this is because of Heath Ledger's performance as the Joker. He actually based his Joker on "The Killing Joke" and "Akrham Asylum" so he was the Joker I wanted. But, think of how far they could have gone with that. Take a way a few explosions and get more involved with Joker. Heath locked himself up in a room for a month developing that character- didn't you want to see more? Pick his brain, see his inner struggles and dreams? Now that Heath is gone that will never happen, but I wanted to know the Joker he became. He developed and created. The movie was still good though, I acknowledge that. The two trains of convicts and of civilians who have the ability to kill the other to save themselves was a high tension moment. The copious goons dressed as scary clowns was creepy. Harvey Dent was explained fairly well and his development was coherent. I hope we hear more about his coin dependency in the next movie. Bane will be in the next one too, he looks really well done.
I might have confused some since I love the early 90's Batman but want a psychological thrilling Bat-story. The early 90's have a real Gothic aesthetic I like, but are not intellectually stimulating. But I forgive that because they are goofy and don't take themselves seriously. The current Batman is a serious series that are still not stimulating. The plots are mildly complicated but really average. If you are going to make Batman serious, give justice to the complex levels of the dark drama that is the Caped Crusader.
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