Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Happy Halloween!!
I dressed up as my brother and he was me! Needless to say I got hit on by zero boys and being a boy is not exactly how to pick up guys.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
My Top Ten Horror Films
So I really like scary movies.
No, really.
When I young I would go to the movie rental place with my parents and just look at the backs of all the horror movies. I loved all the scary images! I sat at the top of the stairs sneaking out of my room to watch what my parents were playing in the living room, it was Wishmaster (1997). As it were, Wishmater is not actually a good film.
When I was 6 I saw the Exorcist. This movie in considered the scariest film ever by many. These days I hear kids saw it's so unrealistic and it looks cheesy. You're right, it is bad graphic compared to the new horror that has come out these days. But it doesn't matter. The filming and story are far scarier than any Saw or Hostel movie.
Torture is lazy scary.
I also happened to see The Shining right after the Exorcist. I did not find that one scary in the traditional horror sense, so that movie will not be on my list. Please note I think it is an amazing movie. I wrote a paper on it once and Stanley Kubrick is one of the best film makers of all time. (Said in a Kanye West voice)
Anyways... It's October!!! I love October. Correction, I like scary movies. I actually hate the cold weather it is fucking FREEZING at my house, I almost didn't want to come to work today. My boss better love me. I do enjoy the changed colors of leaves and all that fall stuff though. Very nice. ^ ^
I have not idea what I want to be for Halloween but I wanted to be Rini from Sailor Moon, can't afford outfit though since I'm supporting my older brother. :c I'm now thinking about being Jem. Time is running out but we'll see how it goes.
I will now state my top ten horror.
10: Susperia - The Beautiful Foreign Horror
I am starting this list off this one of the most beautiful horror movies I have ever scene. It takes place in a ballet school where one new student realizes there is more going on then what is on the surface.... This is a very generic synopsis and honestly, today is movie might not be considered good. But, it is beautiful. I really like hokey scary though. It has the traditional horror feel that I just love. It was directed by Dario Argento, it is placed in a genre called "Gaillo," which is an Italian horror/thriller. More or less. I don't wish to get too detailed about the specifics of sub-genres as a. I am not that much of a movie elitist, b. it is not really the point of this post c. I could always not provide enough information because you could go into movie theory for ever. I know this because I've taken film theory classes. The French can theorize about a movie until it isn't even a movie anymore. I personally not of that mindset, I like to be more practical in my ideas.
I digress. Here's the trailer. It's hilarious.
But really, this is a stylish movie that is a pleasure on the eyes. There's a death scene that shows of the wonderful ballet school that makes every room eye catching.
9. Noroi: The Curse - The Asian Ghost Story
I really wanted to add at least one Asian horror film because I adore them. They make the best creepy ghost stories. Norio is a film I found on a website but never known anyone to actually see it. If any of you have, let me know! I love this movie because it has many characters for such a low budget film with an intriguing plot and intertwining story lines.
Watching the storyline in this movie fold out is exciting and really keeps you on edge.
8. The Amityville Horror - The Haunted House
This is a movie my Dad showed me as a kid. He'd make reference to 3:18 am - gotta go to the boat house. The scariest part for me was Jody. Who at one point convinced the daughter to trap the babysitter in the closet for hours.
7. Stephen King's IT - The Stephen King Horror
Now, I am quite biased with my horror movie selection. Most of my favorite horror (like my musical taste) are all movies I saw in my childhood. Luckily my Dad blessed me with a bunch of horror and sci-fi movies from a young age. This was one of the movies. My parents knew I was very scared of clowns, like many kids are. They thought it would "cure my fear" if I saw IT. It, duh, did not and gave me nightmares and other issues for quite a while. To this day Pennywise is terrifying and Rocky Horror Picture Show is kinda scary too because any close up of Tim Curry, I see Pennywise.
6. The Omen - Antichrist Reincarnated Horror
I just recently rewatched The Omen. The most memorable scene (I first saw it when I was 8 and had not seen it again until 2 weeks ago) is when the nanny jumps of the building and says "Damien, it's all for you!" and proceeds to hang herself. Though, there are a lot of scary scenes in it and the kid is creepy as hell. (LOL hell! get it! pun!)
But while we are on the subject of Devil babies, I just thought I'd give my shout out to another movie that I love but did not quite make it to the top 10 as I wanted to put some different kinds of horror up. Roesmary's Baby is an amazing film that I just had to mention because it is just that good. Even if not on the Top Ten. Funny, my mother originally wanted to name me Rosemary and this movie makes me happy not to have that name lol. Also, c'mon. It's Roman Polanski.
I remember when this movie came out and it was such a big deal and so innovative and no one could shut up about it. Now it's been teased a lot and is kinda a joke. But, I still love this movie and find it genuinely scary. Mainly because - the hand held style is way more tolerable than say Cloverfield, it's not in your face this the spooks and thrills, when it was first released I think it was clever they pulled it off as a "real story" and got everyone in a huff, and there is one comment made at the beginning of the film that becomes applicable in the last scene. I love the last scene, it really makes the movie.
4. Scream - The Self-Aware Horror
Maybe you don't like this movie. Maybe you don't think it is scary. Whatever, fuck you. I truly enjoy this movie as it makes me laugh and it scares me. Of course I assume I am the target audience. Like Neve Campbell and Drew Barrymore,I am a hip attractive young girl who likes horror movies.
3. Nightmare on Elm Street - The Slasher
Everyone has their own favorite slasher villain. Michael Myers, Jason, I chose Freddy Cruger. He has the most personality. If Nancy doesn't wake up screaming... she won't wake up at all... That's the tagline for the original poster. I still remember it. When Tina dies in the beginning, terrifying. When Freddy can stretch out his fucking arms so he can scrape his finger knives against the walls, terrifying. When Johnny Depp gets sucked into a bed and blood squirts out everywhere, well that one is kinda silly. But it's Johnny's first acting role and he's really young and super cute. Sleep and nightmares have always been issues with me and this feeds into that kind of fear.
Also, just want to point out, Freddy runs. That shit is scary.
2. House on Haunted Hill - The Vincent Price Horror
I feel like Vincent Price should get his own category (cate-GORE-y lol! more puns!) because he is the king of horror. Or the prince? Anyways Price is the man and this movie is one of his best and I think it's just amazing. I remember I saw it in my youth and when the woman shows up out of nowhere with the white hair and the nails... well that scared the shit out of me. Though it is dated and maybe not so scary to everyone now, I think it is one of the best examples of horror to this day.
1. The Exorcist - The Possessed Horror
I feel like this is number 1 on so many peoples horror movies that there is no real reason I have to explain myself here. I will mention again I saw this first when I was 6. This is the number one most scarring movie in my life, and I've seen many fucked up movies, and many of which that were when I was too young. But this one made me ask my mother to read me the bible, began the increase in nightmares in my life, and I could never watch it again until last summer. I was about 19 and to be 20. It took me that long to try to watch it again. It did not scare me as much but, just thinking about the movie gives me shivers. Something is truly evil about this movie.
I just want to point out: I have yet to see the original Psycho - the Gus Van Sant one is on Netflix right now but I want to see the original first. If I had seen it I assume it would go on this list. But I can't because I don't know. Also, if we had been talking Sci Fi Horror (which is an entirely different Top Ten) then I'd love to put The Fly on it. The Cronenburgh one. I feel really bad not including The Fly in this list, so I just wanted to mention it.
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Introducing: My Brother and Cat
I have hit another goal with my blog and all it's views. I get so much it's surprising and encourages me to make a better blog. I am going to try in the next few weeks to make if look cooler and maybe write about interesting things.
For right now I though I'd just update on changes in my life. Here's a big one, my older brother moved in with me. So exciting! I love my brother and haven't been able to hang out with him in forever. Now he lives with me wtf
Lol at my stupid face.
Another exciting tidbit, pink hair, but you already know about that one.
Last fun fact: I got a cat!! His name is Sir Thunder Cuddles Kenobi.

Bonus bunny pic!! Look at his freaking cuteness. I can't take it.
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Internet Is Dumb As Fuck, But Here Is My Pink Hair
So my brother moved in and I a real tech junkie so of course he has made it so the Internet isn't working. He currently on phone with Comcast but I felt I should Blog anyways because I haven't in a little bit. Welcome to October.
I have pink hair.
I have pink hair.
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