Sunday, February 24, 2013

The Story Of My How I Became A Punk Rocker And Got Tattoos

Since birth I have been a punk rocker at heart.  The punk just flows through me like... blood.  Hardcore punk blood.  So eventually I had to express my punk rock-ness.  I had to express myself.  Because I am an individual  and the whole fucking world better see how individualistic I am.

So I at 14 I wore my hair in my face, I wore black spiked leather bracelets and wrote all over my arms with Sharpie.  I wrote song lyrics   Really cool song lyrics.  In this photo I have "I got a broken face" written on my arm.  It's a lyric from Pixies, they are a really punk rock band.

So, since I was writing lyrics all over me, I got really into music.  Music was the only thing that understood my complexly angsty 14 year old mind.  So I picked up a bass guitar, because I am a chick.  And my name is Kim.  Like Kim Deal and Kim Gordon.  This really helped express my individuality.

So once I was a bassist, I became really cool.  I had to up my punk rock-ness to balance out how cool I was.  So I started smoking at the punk rock age of 14.  I also wore really hardcore brown sweaters.

After smoking I started hanging out with a rough crowd.  Like Darth Vader.  As you can see, Vader and I were pretty punk rock with our death grips.

I started getting red streaks in my hair.  Like the red hardcore punk blood I was talking about earlier.  

When I turned 18 I was finally free from the fascist oppression of being a minor.  With my new found freedom I thought I'd do something really meaningful.  I got a tattoo.  A tattoo of a really punk rock bunny.

After my rabbit tattoo was so punk rock I wanted to get another tat because I just love getting needles of ink put in my skin.  It's really hardcore.  I got a really impressive original tattoo of a music note over my heart.  Or should I say, "The place where I would have a heart but I don't because I am punk rock."

Once I was all tatted up I had no regard for authority figures like the tyrant I call "Mom."  I showed off my contempt for The Man by sitting on my "Mother" and smoking punk rock cigarettes.

I also read really hardcore comic books.  Look at how fucking punk rock I am.

Seriously though.  I'm, like, Sid Vicious.  

Pretty soon I was so hardcore I had to drill holes in my body.  So I got a dermal to represent the holes society drills in me everyday.

When holes in my chest got passe (like everything else in the whole fucking stupid lame world) I got more ink.  I got a really bad ass tat of my dead cat.  Dead cats are punk rock.  I also got a hardcore tattoo of Winnie the Pooh on my other arm to express my unique Pooh-views on life in a really creative and artistic way.

After I ripped my dermal in my chest out because I was feeling really violent and anarchy, I got a chest piece.  It says "Protege~Moi De Mes Desirs"  That means Protect me from my desires in French.  French is a really bad ass language.  It is also a song lyrics from this really obscure punk rock band called Placebo.  

Then I got really fierce swirls and shit under my quote to further emphasize how no one understands my life.

After my wicked swirls, I got this really hardcore tattoo of an evil demonic punk rock rabbit.  It has a killer fetus in it.

With my individualistic and rebellious rabbits on my back I decided I needed something that really spoke to my anarchist views and hatred for organized governments.  To express myself in the most punk rock way possible I got "2+2=5" on my arm.  This is a slogo used in 1984 to oppress people into believing whatever they are told.  Like television or other mindless media outlets that only exist to control us.

Now that I'm all tatted and rebellious I show my punk rock-ness in new ways.  Like this really hardcore skirt I got.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Cute And Kawaii Apps For iPhone

I thought I'd make a post on some of the apps I use because I try really hard to have only cute/kawaii apps. And life in general.

I don't have many games anymore because, well, I just don't play them. I'll go through phases with games but mostly I end up deleting them.  Don't expect game apps.

This is my iPad, I used CocoPPa to get these really cute icons.

This is my iPad's main screen with all the normal boring not cute icons hidden away in folders.

Simple Weight:  a really cute app that is just to record your weight.  As you can see I'm currently 125.  :(  The app has a little bear on top who encourages you and tells you your progress.  If you are like me and are concerned about your weight all the time... So if you are at all female, this is a really cute one.  It understand where to put the decimal for your weight.  So if you put in 1256, it knows you mean 125.6.  Genius.  Also, it keeps records of your weight and then puts them in a graph and you can put in weight as much as you want. I record my weight like 3 times a day just to see how much my weight fluctuates.

Monthly Cycles:  Just for your period.  You can also record your weight on this one but it's not as convenient   You also can record your daily: mood, body aches, headaches, joint pain, and period flow.  It helps get an idea of how you feel normally through out a month.  And it is pink and cute!

Paper:  is not cute or kawaii but I love it all the same!  It is an iPad app that lets you draw basically.  I just bought all the different kinds of pens and writing styles you can use for it.  Not as good as a tablet but great for an app and the more you get used to it the easier it is to use.  Look at this beautiful Furby I drew.  I also started making daily comics that you can read here.

Wanelo:  Stands for Want, Need, Love.  It is becoming pretty popular lately so you might already know it but it has some cute stuff.  All it is is a place to browse things you wanna buy and if you really like them add them to your page.  Only problem is it links you to where you can buy all the stuff you're saving on your page.  Could blow a lot of money....

Vine:  another new app that is getting really popular.  You make five second videos that loop.  It's actually really addicting.  I only take videos of my pets but I get a kick out of them.  All I follow is rabbits too.  I just love bunnies.

Flipboard:  cool app I really like having on my iPad.  You can put lots of social networking stuff on there:  Fasbuk, Twittur, Flickr, Google Reader, Instagram, etc.  It makes all the stuff you read into a book that you can just flip through.  (Hence Flipbook)  Very sleek and cool design.

This is my iPhone's background and cute CocoPPa icons.  Ones that say Davo, or Woofy Saint are actually shortcuts to immediately call that person!

Chi's New Adventure:  this app is just to watch Chi videos!  It's a cute little anime about Chi, the cat!  The cutest cat ever and the episodes are only like 3-5 minutes long.  Good distraction when bored somewhere waiting for something.  Plus however did the voice of Chi has like the cutest voice ever.  Love it.

Triple Town:  I temporarily take back my never play games statement to talk about Triple Town.  It is a game with little bears that get in the way while you try to make triples of things to get bigger stuff, and triples of that stuff to make even bigger, and so on and so on.  Addicting.

Meon:  Another exception is Meon, another puzzle game.  You basically manipulate light to make stars happy.  There are colored stars and reflectors and sometimes they are really flipping difficult.

Alchemy:  I was just introduced to this game in December and I played it for like one night non stop and haven't touched it since.  BUT, it is fun and I have yet to delete it.  You combine stuff to make new stuff.  Alchemy.  Sometimes it's got really funny stuff in it.

Snapeee:  is definitely my favorite photo editing app.  It was a lot of frames and stickers and brushes.  In the "Shopeee" you can get more and new ones are always coming out.  It also has it's own social aspect of the site where you can check others edits and upload your own.

LINE Camera:  another photo editing app, but where Snapeee is cute, LINE Camera is funny.  Hilarious stickers with new ones that come out sometimes but not an often as Snapeee.

The Daily Bunny:  is in fact daily.  New cute bunny pics everyday and you can save any to your favorites to look at later when you're feeling down and need a dose of bunny.

CocoPPa:  my last one for now, this is the app that got me all those damn cute icons on my iProducts.  Tons and tons of icons to chose from and you can upload your own if you're feeling artistic.

*** EDIT***  I have a new list you can see here.  I will have more soon too!  :*

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

M.A.C. Up.

I thought I would share my makeup since I haven't talked about girly things in while. All of my make up is from M.A.C. (M.A.C. Up!) and one is limited edition. I got the limited couture shiner powered with poof in this freaking adorable pink box with a bow and my broker and eye shadow palette is freaking adorable too.

And here is my little makeup/hair/everything table.  I just got the little makeup bin and ordered some more cute baskets and stuff to make the table cuter.  I'm going through and decorating my house some more.  I'll post about it soon I hope.  Whenever I finally finish.  x.x