Monday, June 18, 2012

Here is Where I Talk About My Dreams and Ambitions.

In the spirit of the Secret I thought I would think optimistically about things I want to do within about four years.  I have been a little discouraged because I had to medical withdraw for the University of Vermont.  I got no credits and now own them $7000 I need to pay off now because I could not cover it with loans.  I have no one to co-sign for loans and so I need to find a way to go to school for cheaper.  Anyone got ideas?  I have been trying since graduating high school to get a college education.  Hitched rides with friends, finally moved to VT where I could live on campus, took out a bunch of loans, eventually work and school couldn't work and its expensive to live here.  So now I just work.  I have 2 years of college done.  2 more to go.  I'm thinking about studying abroad as my wonderful mentor Peggy suggested.  I want to go to Korea, but first should learn Korean don't you think lol?  I guess Asian countries are eager for English teachers and so I would like to go teach if I can take classes as well.  So dream number one:

I AM GOING TO COLLEGE IN KOREA.  I AM GOING TO LEARN KOREAN AND THEY WILL BE NICE TO ME EVEN THOUGH I AM AN AMERICAN.  Sometimes I get so ashamed of being an American since I feel like everywhere else in the world hates us.  I'm not a redneck though!  I don't own a gun or watch Nascar or eat fried chicken (often, lol).  I am going to get my bachelors in writing/literature and a masters in social work.

Writing and literature are very important to me and though I originally wanted to be a fine arts major I've found I am a much better writer (this is totally not a good representation of my writing skills as this is a very selfish blog where I write train of thoughts with not real style or prose.)  This brings me to my second dream.. err, fact.  I WILL BE PUBLISHED, MY WRITING WILL BE PUBLISHED TO SHARE WITH OTHERS.  I am going to start with shot fiction and move on from there.  I have stopped writing since I left art school, writing stories that is.  Things got in the way, ie. life.  That's over now.  Blogging has enticed me to write more and the next step is just write WELL more.  I am going to put a link on here to my work so people can see how I actually do have a little bit of talent.    I will also put links to the other interests I have.

  • Videos of guitar playing!
  • Drawings and paintings!
  • Reviews of movies, music, comics, books, etc. 
  • Fashion?!?!?!
Geewilicers, can you image Kim actually having style?  OMG I dream.  I'm hoping I can gather up some money and start dressing supa fly.  But I'm like 20, c'mon.  20's who supprt themselves and work full time don't got that kinda money, let's be serious.  So my third dream, which is really tangible I just have to work at it, is to spiff up with blog.  I need to get some friends who know shit about computers to make it cool and get some graphic designers I know to make an awesome banner for it.  Like, a picture of me with wild animals surrounding me like Ace Venture when he goes home and the penguins come out the fridge and everything.  Or a picture of me glowing as I feed African children in third world countries.  You know, something that really represents who I am and what I stand for.  lolololol

I feel like this is enough dreams for right now.  I other dreams like, getting an awesomer job, getting a cat, and getting things.  But that is like presents.  Maybe not the job, but other stuff.  My job right now is AMAZING.  I am very lucky to be 20, with no degree, who started this job while I was homeless to work in a different homeless shelter helping homeless families.  I work with a bunch of people who are older than me but I work hard and try to be respectful.  I think my efforts have been noticed and I have a pretty good position here at the shelter.  For the time being, this works for me.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Parappa the Rappa Instills Hope In Me But That Does Not Mean Lame Coworkers Aren't Lame

I just ate too much pizza after eating too much Chinese food for lunch.  I can be so bad at dieting, it really brings on anxiety.  So I am drinking water.  I'm thinking about getting one of these bobbles.  They look cute and lord knows I don't need to be drinking tap water.  I try to drink 6 cups of water a day and I'm pretty good but I just had too much to eat today and now I am wicked wicked tired.  OMG I'm at work right now and I just asked my coworker if I could leave a little early because 1. I worked an awake overnight here 2. I came back to work at 3 with little sleep in between shifts 3. She always comes to work late and leaves early and she only has to work 6-10pm.  But when I asked her she laughed and was like "Really? I was about to leave in fifteen minutes."  wtf this really pisses me off.  She didn't ask if I was cool with her leaving early since we're supposed to be working together.

^^^ I wrote that Monday and just never posted it so I'll post that little rant now.  It's Friday and I'm at work again!  So, of course I blog at work.  I've been watching my stats on the views I get and I'm so impressed with the amount of people who have stumbled on to my silly blog!  Every day the number is significantly more.  Internet is so weird lol

Anyways I was just reading xiaxue, who happens to be the first blogger I've ever read.  And gave me the idea to start my own.  Honestly, I don't like to spend too much time on the computer - that's why I always blog at work where I don't have anything better to do.  No offense lol  But when I realized you can blog about YOURSELF the whole things changed.  I thought blogs where only for like, mothers to share recipes or fashionistas .  I though it had to be about something.  I don't really know if I have something to offer, but maybe I'll do.  I'll get to that in a second.

So I was reading Xiaxue today and she was talking about some secret that makes good things happen!  I thought I would give it a shot.  Basically I just gotta think positive.  Like Parappa the Rappa.

I gotta do what?  I gotta believe!

Things that are going well and I am very thankful they are going well:

  • Got my first apartment in a long time and after a year of being homeless!  No more house hopping or shelters for me!  My apartment is very cute too, and I am buying lots of stuff to make it beautiful.  (I'll post on that later) Best part, it's all mine and my bf's.  No sharing it with dirty housemates!  Oh actually the best part is my landlord will let me have a cat.  :DD
  • I have an amazing job and it's the best I've ever had.  Seriously, I get to work in a family shelter where I actually DO help people and make a little bit of a difference.  Plus I can eat, watch Hulu, write blogs, and just about whatever I want when guests don't need my help.  I make great money and have more than I've ever had.  I make more than my parents wtf! I like most of my coworkers a lot and my boss is freaking awesome.  I am very thankful to Skylar for referring me to this job. 
  • I am in the longest relationship I've ever been in in my life.  We've been dating for 452 days!  (I have an app that tells me, I didn't actually count that, let's be serious.)  We have our ups and downs but we are by far the healthiest relationship I've ever had.  He does very nice things for me, like brings me dinner at work, and he cares about me more than anyone else.  I love Buzz.  :-*
  • I'm talking to my brother again for the first time in five years and he even bought me my iPhone!  He's had to ignore me for so long due to his abusive ex.  Now he's free but still obsessed about girls lol stupid brother.  jk I am thankful to have David in my life and anyone who knows me knows I don't shut up about the damn kid.
  • Speaking of brothers, I am also thankful to have two awesome little brothers who I had a blast with in Disney World.  Petey and Chris are amazing little people who are old enough to actually chill with me.  It's so fun and just pure happiness to be around them and see who they've becom  Gosh I love them.  I miss them now lol 

I think I will continue with gratitude and stuff in my next post.  Now time for pictures.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Can't sleep, more vacation pics!

I'm blogging on my iPhone cuz I can't sleep. Im like laying in bed at work. (I can sleep at night at my job. Freaking sweet) I bit my gel nails and broke one so now I'll have to get them done tomorrow before I go to all staff meeting. I'm so stressed! I haven't done my Pilates in forever and I feel so guilty! Gahhhh I want another vacation lol. Speaking of which I'll add more photos at the end on this post. You know I type on iPhone keyboard with just my right pointer finger. My brother says that's stupid and everyone types with their thumbs but I mess up too much when I do that. Honestly I kinda want a blackberry or something cause I like pressing actual buttons. Ironically, I named iPhone Buttons. Speaking of Buttons, my brother pays for him which is freaking sweet! And he also pays for Buttons personal Hot Spot! Meaning Buttons is his own little Internet provider and other things can get wifi from him!! We hooked him up to my bfs PS3 and watched Netflix cux our Internet hasn't been set up yet in the apartment. The future is so fancy!

Grr still stressed. This nail is gunna bother me lol gunna read now. Got The Time Machine on iBook!

Picture time!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Some more on Disney and My New Apartment!

Okay I didn't explain in my last post cause I was so butthurt about my pictures not uploading that I got sick.  I smoked cigarettes (eww), drank, and ate junk food.  Plus southern air is not as good as Vermont over here.  I got a horrible cold my last day after a party at my brothers house.  Later I flew from NOLA to Burlington -across the damn country- with a cold and got an ear infection, a DOUBLE ear infection.  I could not hear well for two days after and now, after four days, I still dont have prefect hearing.  JEEZZZZ I get sick so often it's ridiculous.  I take so many vitamins and I am way more healthy then others I know.  Not fair.

Anyways after my trip I've come home to a new apartment!!!  Buzzy had to move all of our belongings while I was riding rides in Disney World.  He's too good to me, I swear.  It's a one bedroom and super cute.  Bedroom is blue, bathroom is lilac ( <3 ), living room is green, and kitchen is a darker orange.  I love all the color!  Especially the bathroom, cause I spend so much time in there.  (Not using the toilet, but bathing, getting pretty, etc. duh) I going to turn it into a little spa!

Buzz even set everything up!  He up my paintings on the walls, but my desk stuff on my desk, folded my panties and put them away.  I told my coworker Peggy, this African woman from Ghana who is wonderfully wise and my mentor, that he foled my panties and she said "Well if he can take them off he can fold them."  lol!  I love Peggy she is so amazing.  She talks to me about things I feel other people - or maybe just Americans- wouldn't.  Like she gives me tips on the best way to clean my panties, how to do laundry best, sex, and other personal stuff that so many others are to shy to talk about.  I love visiting with Peggy.  :)

Anyways, the only downfall to our new apartment is though I love how tiny and cute it is, it's a little small for Buzz.  Our kitchen is SO SMALL it pisses me off.  We have to dance around to not be in each others way when we cook together.

Okay heres some photos of my trip, and there will be more later.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Disney Trip, or How the South Made Me Sick

I have not made a post is like 2 weeks.  This is because I went on vacation!  I haven't gone on vacation since November and that only lasted 3 days.  This was an 8 day vacation and was super stressful but important.

I flew in to NOLA at 10:00am and my older brother David was 40 minutes late picking me up because he was too busy with his girlfriend.  Then he tried to convince me not to go on the vacation.  Whatever, he ended up leaving early and I had to get a ride back from Disney with my parents.

Last time I rely on my older brother.  Really, my family is all damaged and destructive I'm so glad I am trying really hard not to be like them.  Oh!  As proof of my progress I had my last day of counseling.  The counselor said I didn't have to go any more.  This means I'm solid.  :3

The Disney trip was not great when it comes to anyone else but Petey and Chris.  My two little brothers are amazing and I love them!  They are 9 and 10 now - sentient beings.  I haven't seen them in so long and they have grown up sooo much.  They would not let go of my hands when we walked through the parks.  I was so happy!

GRRR I'm trying to understand Google + and their photo uploading thing.  It's suppose to instantly upload pictures I take to a folder on my account.  But only when the App is open I guess.  This is lame.  I don't really came a computer to put my photos on.  How can I post pics?  :ccc