Saturday, August 25, 2012

College Sux

This is a letter I wrote to the University of Vermont to medically appeal my bill.  To anyone thinking of going to college: unless you got scholarships (which really only happen if you at going to stay In-State) or you got rich parents, forget it.  I suggest waiting for America getting some damn money first because everyone I know is in a lot of debt with jobs that don't really utilize their expensive degrees.

Wanna learn?  Me too, go to the library.  Or use the internet for something other than social networking.  (lol Says Kim of her BLOG.)

To Whom It May Concern:

My name is Kimberly Rabideau, I attended the University of Vermont in the spring semester of 2012 until I had to leave due to a medical withdraw.  I would like to take this time to explain why I went to UVM, and why I left. Like most stories of hardship, mine is complicated - so I will go about this in a chronological order.  I moved to Vermont in January of 2010 to attend Burlington College.  I came to Vermont from Mississippi with $200 and optimism.  I was a full time student while I worked three jobs as well in order to support myself.  This was a very stressful time, because I come from a poor family money is a big trigger of stress for me.  Gradually I became more self-destructive and would have fits of panic attacks where I would hit my head against things, or scratch myself.  In mid-November of 2010 I had to take a medical withdraw from Burlington College after staying a week in Fletcher Allen's Psych Ward.  Because I did not work that week I was in the hospital I could not afford my apartment and had to leave.  I went to Mississippi hoping to find help in my family, I did not. I returned to Burlington, VT because I had no where to go, and was homeless for sometime.  In September of 2011, I began staying at the Spectrum Youth and Family Services' Emergency Shelter.  I attended classes at Community College of Vermont and found a new job at Committee of Temporary Shelter.  I finished my 2nd year in college at CCV and worked with my Spectrum Case Manager Nicki S******* on applying to University of Vermont under the assumption that I was a Vermont resident.  CCV had given me In-State tuition, and VSAC gave me a Vermont resident loan.  I began attending classes at the University of Vermont in January of 2013.  I was staying at the Emergency Shelter and working full-time at COTS while I did this.  My schedule was very difficult, but I preserveered.  I was informed I was given out of state tuition shortly after classes started and appealed it.  I worked with my Spectrum Shelter Manager, Sarah ***, to fill out the paper work to appeal.  My support team and I called the registrar office and asked about the residency status.  We told them the situation and they assured us I would get in state tuition..  During the spring break of the Spring 2013 semester I recieved a letter stating I did not receive in state tuition.  This was devastating to me because I know I cannot afford out of state tuition, I have no co-signer for personal loans and I didn't even have housing, how could I afford such a bill? At this point I began to get very stressed out and self-harming and panic attacks began getting worse.  These issues escalated and so I never returned to UVM because I knew it would only get worse and it seemed like I was on track to the psych ward and for my own personal health, I had to leave.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Emo Interruption

I have not written a blog in over a week and I do not mean to be so lazy about it because I surely do have time.  I'm just spending all of that time playing Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced 2.  I broke up with my boyfriend so I'm going to blame that as the reason why I have been doing nothing but video games.

I have spent 16 months trying to be the girlfriend this guy wanted.  He always felt I wasn't good enough.  Turns out he has complained about me to his friends and even called me a slut.

But time to move the fuck on.  Went dancing two nights ago for the first time in so long.  It was awesome!  So I'll be writing better blogs now, sorry for my emo laziness lol

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Today I Get Into Politics.

I, like ever early twenty America, don't care about politics.  Unless we're talking about the extreme conservative or hippie 20 year olds, to which are just spewing the shit they heard from their parents growing up, or in a Grateful Dead song, or better yet Fox News.

I honestly only heard about Obamacare yesterday from my boyfriend.  I have Medicaid and I'm basically set.  But wait, what?  Something kinda like universal health care?  Sounds good to me.  Because I am poor.  If I can get healthcare then yes, let's.

But I see that so many, and I mean MANY, are against it. All the news is describing it as "controversial requirement that all Americans purchase health-care coverage of pay a penalty"  What a negative way to put it.  How about Obamacare "gives basic healthcare to 30,000 more Americans."  or "makes people start giving a fuck about themselves and others."  Even a republican in the Supreme Court voted to uphold it.  And that was the deciding vote.  So many republicans got all butt-hurt and pissed at him.  Even calling him a traitor.  I feel like so many people just pick a side and stick with it no matter what they believe.  Republicans always have to vote the same conservative side and Democrats the liberal side.  This guy, John Roberts, followed what he truly believed.  No matter what side he was on.  If more people actually thought for themselves and was objective about all these issues I bet the people would be more happy.  Politicians just want to WIN, they have these huge egos and to win must oppose the other side with all they got.

And Obama is holding interest rates on student loans.  Thank fucking GAWD.  I have so many loans and no degree- ran out of money that I never had before I could get a BA.  I have a good job but I still struggle.  Why is it that it is so hard to move up in this country?  Shit like student loans, and other stuff I GUESS.  But I'm talking about student loans man because this country just isn't helping kids get degrees.  With this economy you're going to need a degree if you want a job you can live off of.

“College education is one of the best investments America can make for our future,” Obama said in Chapel Hill. “This is important for all of us. We can’t price most Americans out of a college education. We can’t make higher education a luxury. It’s an economic imperative. Every American should be able to afford it. So that’s why I’m here.”


I guess I'm done with this blog for now, going to work on my Batman review that will be blogged soon.  

Now pics.