So I recently have discovered the eBay app, and that has been taking up most of my time. I haven't been about to shut up about it to all of my friends and been telling everyone to get it. The eBay app kicks so much ass, and can get stuff for sooo cheap. Some people don't like used stuff, but I have gotten so many clothes in perfect condition. I seem to get a lot of clothes from Cali, so I assume rich bitches buy a shit load of clothes, lose interest in them even though they're like, barely worn, and sell em on eBay for super cheap.
Commence sweet deal bragging.
This is a violin I got for $53, including shipping! It's a starter set that comes with a case, bow and rosin as well. There is a violin shop in Church Street here in Burlington, they're starter sets or $500!!! This is not a top or plastic, though obviously it is not the best kind of wood or craftmenship. But, I have no idea how to play it, I just want to teach myself. I think it is great for a beginner. Yesterday it came in the mail ,NEW, and I began learning how to set it up. I've figured out, with the help of YouTube, how to put on the bridge properly, tighten the strings, tune the strings, tighten the bow to the proper amount, how to grate the rosin and then rosin the bow, and how to produce sound from the violin. I think it was a good first day of teaching myself a totally new instrument. :D

So these are some Rilakkuma socks I got, brand new with tags. I paid $3.99, free shipping, for all three. I think that is pretty good since A. not available in America, and B. Walmart tries to sell shitty cartoon socks for $3.99 for ONE pair.
Lol, you can see my socks. This is an H&M dress, in great condition, I got for $13, including shipping. And I think it ended up looking pretty great on me.
***DISCLAIMER*** One thing to take into consideration if you are considering buying clothes on eBay is, you cannot try them on. I knew this going in but I have a super power where I look good in anything. I'm not being cocky here, it's just true. Other people pointed it out to me and it turns out, they're right. Which is good for me because I am very bad at fashion and lately I'm just beginning to try to wear nice clothes.
These are some Power Ranger trading cards I got for Buzz for his birthday. Only $2.29 for all four of them, including shipping. I think think was pretty cool because I doubt you can find then anywhere and NO trading cards sell for that cheap, not even Yugioh and Yugioh sucks.
I got Bin Bin a pink harness that had wings on it. Go fucking cute! He is not really a fan though... It even came with a pink lease that had matching pink wings! It was $5.90 with free shipping. Most harnesses at pet stores are at least $10 and those are the basic ones. This one is super cute and came with matching leash! Plus, matched his cage, and carrying case, and water bottle. Lol, my rabbit is so metro.
This is an H&M dress that ended up fitting me PERFECTLY. I am fucking in love with this dress. H&M, you guys make my favorite dresses so far. I got this dress for $10. Sure, H&M isn't super expensive, but $10 is the kind of Black Friday sale you'd punch an eccentric mother in the face for.
Also, I'm not super pretty in any of these photos and you can see my messy room but these photos are all unedited with no filters, so, gimme a break. Plus it's the only long mirror in my apt. x.x
This is a 50s style rockabilly skirt I got, also H&M. I paid $6.25 for it, including shipping. I have been watching Mad Men and I'm super into the waist high skirts and everything right now. Want more!! Oh, the Wilco shirt I got at the Wilco concert. It was $20, and wasn't really a deal. But it is soft and I loved the concert. The phone case was $2.
I added a charm to the phone case, charm was $1.75. So effing cute, right? PS I know my nails are ugly. I ripped off my gel nails because I was sick of not being able to play guitar. Now that my nails are free I've been playing it much more and it sounds better then with those damn nails. I also taught myself ukulele in about 4 hours. Easier after you've played guitar for a little while.
This photo has filters obviously, it's an instagram pic. The white collar sleeveless top is from the Gap, I paid $3.50 for it. Fucking. Awesome. I don't think I need to explain how that is a great deal.
This is a real Juicy Couture Daydreamer purse I got for $70. $70 may sound like a lot but these are designer purses that are so effing expensive, I would not be able to buy one from their site. I mean I could, I have the money, but I'm not fucking wasting it when I can get it for $70!!

This is the most uncomfortable outfit I'm ever worn. It is also fucking adorable. I'm wearing that Gap top, with those Bow Jeans all my favorite bloggers wear (Cheesie, for example.) Turns out these pant cost about $76 in American dollars according to the tag on it. I paid $10 for them. They are tight on me even though they are mediums! I am so fat by Asian standards. So not fair. My diet is going slowly, I'll post about that later. >:C I also have a small Juicy Couture purse I paid $25 for. I think it may be for children but it it so damn cute. Can't fit anything in it though. The shoes are Sparrows, originally $100. I got the last pair in Macy's while visiting my friend who works there. Luckily the last pair was size 6 1/2!! I only paid $36 for them, new from Macy's. Here's another photo to show of the cuteness.

I'm still learning how to walk in heels. It's difficult, I don't know how women do it all the time. Remember I've been poor and unfashionable all my life, I think this is a step in the right direction. ;D