So I am going to be retroactive and post about things that happened a while ago that I never blogged about because I am busy/lazy. So, my cat turned 1 years old on April 4th!!!
We threw him a party and the rabbits were his guests.
(If you notice there is actually a beer on the table. The Kitty/Bunny Daddy and me were also celebrating.)
We even went so far as to bring Blizzard's box with his ashes in it on the ground for Thunder to see.
The rabbits got a crap load of greens
While Thunder got a can of the most expensive cat food they had at the Co-Op.
We also got him this red mouse toy. It might not look like much but it was $8!!! So overpriced but made from all recycled materials and the only good cat toy they sold at the Co-Op lol

We made Thunder these Cat Cookies. Unfortunately he did not like them but it you wanna try to make one for your cat, I got the recipe here:

Happy Birthday Captain Thunder Cuddles Kenobi! You can't actually read or use a computer, but I know you'd appreciate it.
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