Sunday, July 7, 2013

Cute and Kawaii Apps for the iPhone - Part Two

I'm gotten such positive feedback from my last Cute and Kawaii Apps blog post, that I thought I'd share some more!!
It can be so hard to find good apps that are free.  I personally don't ever really pay for apps because I know I could find something just as good for free.  The only exception to this was Triple Town.  I love Triple Town.

So I went on the app store to really hunt and track down the best and the cutest, and also apps I would actually use.  I haven't really searched for new apps in about a year so I found some real cute ones!  Here are 6 cute and kawaii apps.  None are games since I lose interest in games, and they are all free cause I ain't paying, but they are apps I find useful/fun.

1.  Kuma DL Free:

This app is for Rilakkuma video watching.  When opening the app there is it's very own Rilakkuma web browser with a bunch of saved video links to look up video sites.  Find videos you want and download them to your phone so you can watch them whenever - don't need internet or WiFi.

Once a video is downloaded, you can watch it in this super cute Rilakkuma video player!  

Of course the video I watch is red pandas playing in snow.

2.  Weather Pup:
I have been searching far and wide for a cute weather app.  There are stylish weather apps, like WeatherMob is cool, but not cute.  I have finally found a cute weather app, and it have puppies.  I hate the adds, but I'm pretty good at ignoring them and I really like FREE.

3.  PaigeeWorld:
Everyone like to draw anime, it's just fun.  Cute girls with big eyes and hot guys with big guns.  This app gives you tutorials on how to draw anime and allows you to share your art with others.  I'm surprised at how large the community on PaigeeWorld is.  People upload pictures like two every minute.  Very active and supportive community.  It's cute and fun and is getting me back into drawing.  :)

4.  Private Album:
This is a cute app with a simple design.  All you do is set up a password and save all your naughty pics in there!

5.  DecoDentaku:
Along with a weather app, I've been looking for a cute calculator app too.  I used to have this really kawaii Japanese app that was a sleeping sheep with a calculator on him and you had to wake him up to use the calculator.  But, they got rid of it in America's App Store and it's only available in Japan now.  Boo.  But, I found this app that is super cute!  You can choose purple blue or pink (I chose pink duh).  It's a simple and pretty app.

6.  Reviocam:
Short video social networking is blowing up since Vine got popular and now Instagram is doing it too.  I use both of those, but with Reviocam you can add cute stickers and frames like purikura apps like Snapeee.  It's still kinda slow but definitely one to check out.

I filmed Buzz to try out the app and added a little panda to lay on the bed lol

This is a short list but I will probably post more in the future.  What apps do you guys use?

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