Tuesday, July 16, 2013

It's So Hard Being Acute

I am taking 2 classes right now and one of them is Algebra.  I hate Algebra.  No matter how much I study... my product is 70 on all my quizzes.  I frequently consider doing a number on the teacher, jumping on a desk, and lecturing him on how unimportant this is in most everyone lives.  I'm a rational person, but unless you grow up to engineer or science stuff, digit is not necessary!

Inverse you were wondering, I DO study.  I spend time outside of class trying to study and I get absolutely unmotivated and my head starts to hertz.  It's not unmotivated in the Oh whatever Sigma go watch TV kinda way.  It's the It's over.  My life is over.  The Algebra sum, and I lost.  I secant beat it's power.  

It's just such a quad-radical shift from the academics I'm used to studying.  Even with my notes, odd just can't do it.  I figure it's a sine I need help.  Plus, I have division problems and it is very difficult to see notes on the board.

This pain-in-the-axes guy who sits adjacent to me is constant-ly trying to help me.  He gamma me his number so I could call him.  As if buddy, domain of my dream is not a condescending, forceful butt whole.  I left the number on the table.  I want to parallel at him to just shut the FOIL up.  

Yesterday, I integer my classroom early and people are already square.  I tried to study, but a very plane guy moved hex to me and began to help me.  The pain-in-the-axes guy who usually sits next to me (dimension how much I dislike this guy?) came two class and was angry this plane guy was helping me.

Pain-In-The-Axes starts complaining about wanting to sit in his seat, (no assigned seats in college, hello).  So Plane Guy moves to the other side of me and I tangent escape the awkwardness!  Lemma tell you, Plane Guy was helping me and Pain-In-The-Axes interrupted all the time to correct him!  They basically fought over who would help me and Pi just wanted to graph at them for being so radius-culous.

Lateral, at the end of class, Plane Guy asked if I wanted his number, I declined.

Iota tell the both of them that they Beta leave me alone.  I can easily be in the mode to be really mean.

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