Friday, April 20, 2012

Another week has flown by and I barely noticed.  I finished moving all of my things into my new apartment with the bf and unpacked everything.  It looks cute I think.  Sometimes I fear he's going to eventually become overwhelmed and repulsed by the extreme amount of cute and books I own.  That's basically all of my possessions, cute shit - particularly stationary for some reason - and over 100 books.  Throw in cassettes and you got me to a T.  I assume it must be hard to live with me and my large personality.  I feel like Kim juices ooze from me and slowly seep their way into surrounding areas.  What these Kim juices do - I'm not sure but I can feel them.  It's like spraying - like how a dog sprays (or is it a cat?)  Except I don't pee, I just cute and book it up.

Moving on this is my seventh blog and I'm actually keeping up with it.  I am impressed with myself.  I really thought I would dislike the idea after a week but I've come to really enjoy documenting my days/ uploading my pictures.  Even my Tumblr is just pictures of me/other photos I take.  I think continuously re-posting the same images on Tumblr is silly and I don't see the point so I'd just like to keep my photos there.  I hope maybe to get a camera and better the quality of my photos.  Photos I will share today on this current blog I am writing will include: my favorite soda, conventional vegatebales, me and my kombucha (because I think I have Thrush!  x.x), my belly as I think I've lost weight, and my new iPhone case!

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