I was bored yesterday, and I was goofing off at work as I do. The result is I've made my pets profile accounts on a few Pet Social Media sites. I've gotten some emails from people who really like Blizz and Thund, so here are pages dedicated to just them. Check them out!!
Blizzard's BunSpace Page.
Thunder's Catster Page.
Blizzard's Cuteness Page.
Thunder's Cuteness Page.
That is all I have for now, so if you happen to be on any of the sites be my friend! I'll try to update their lives and add pics quite regularly. Cuteness has cute battles so vote for my babies so they will get prizes. I've also added some more widgets to the right, over there. Facebook, Thunder's Catser, Flickr and ill work on getting up the other social things I have. I don't even use some very much yet, like Pinterest, but I like collecting them. Like Pokemon.
Anyways Buzz is moving out tomorrow so I'm busy tonight - with stuffing my face and wallowing in self pity.
Speaking of food, food porn.
So this is what I ate on Thanksgiving.
This is poutine, best ever.
This was Thunder's thanksgiving.
This is what me and Buzz made Saturday for our own personal thanksgiving.
Monday, November 26, 2012
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Defending Generation Y Half-Heartily (Of Course), Sorry For Stupidity
I read an article just now on the "cool" of my generation. I thought I would write a little bit about it and incorporate something else that I wanted to say as well. The article tells us that irony is the ethos of the day, and that the hipster in the archetype of Generation Y, or Millennials. It's interesting to think that I am part of a Generation now. When I was fifteen I read Generation X by Douglas Coupland (along with most of his other books) and thought it was so cool. Getting away from the world to live out in no where and drink Zima. Now, that's me. Except, I got away from the world by moving to Burlington, VT (a little Portland, Oregon really) and instead of drinking Zima it's microbrews.
So the article talked about the different ways that we are ironic, wearing silly clothes and liking old things, even taking new things and making them old - Instagram. All this being instant nostalgia and ironic- a defense mechanism we use, I guess. If we insult ourselves no one can do it for us. So the hipster is a rebirth of the cool beatnik with a dorky self awareness that yeah, we're played out. I guess, interesting, I guess.
I then read an article about someone who read the article (blog-ception) and who talked about how unimportant it is to talk about it. I think this article is kinda funny because isn't it the hip that initially love making fun of the hip and then eventually find talking about the hip to be overdone so they hate talking about the hip? Actually I don't know either, "cool" is so difficult.
Oh yeah the articles are right here:
How to Live Without Irony
New York Times Explores Hipster Irony
Anyways, my only comment I wanted to add is the lameness of original article to start talking about their generation. Said Generation X. The 90s who "actively did not care." Feminism, Berlin Wall, racial issues, all of these were at the forefront back then and after Y2K everything went to shit. Funny, I love the 90s- if I could live in any year it would be 1994. Mainly due to music but yeah, I kinda jam on that slacker style. But to try to fool yourselves - Generation X - that you were better than us, is such shit. My main reason? Because the previous generation fucked us over.
It's not completely your guys fault though. You had the traditional Baby Boomers to raise you with morals and a organized rebellious hippie flair. Then you guys listened to too much Nirvana and Jerry Springer was invented and now everyone I know is from broken homes and takes a lot of mediation. I'm glad "stay together for the kids" is not the mentality anymore but you need to sympathize with the difficulty of split parents. I dealt with it well but i know many people who were really hurt when the parents broke up. Drugs are also something I feel is new in the parents bonding world. I know a lot of people who get fucked up with their parents. That's weird, right?
Technology is also a big deal. People say we are technologically dependent Yeah it is, because it basically raised us. Sesame and School House Rock, Bill Nye were our biggest teachers. A lot of us grew up looking at screens. And what's on these screens impact us too. Sex and violence. So we are desensitized tech junkies and have access to too much information and porn via internet. That can fuck with some heads don't you think? So we like the idea of the past and our more innocent childhoods, and are all insecure, and have a handful of diagnosis by age 16. I can name 5 girls of the top of my head who have been diagnosed bi-polar. And I didn't even have to look at my friends list on Fasbuk for think of them.
There are actually a bunch of reasons Generation Y is fucked up but I'm not writing a damn thesis. I did want to use that to be my excuse for the poor writing in my first blog entries when I made this blog. I sound dumb and said "lol" too much. That is not me, I read too many books to sound like that. But, I was worried people would find my blog and I didn't really want to be too much of myself so I thought if I sounded dumber it would be more widely acceptable. I believe on my very first post I mention that I was defensive about it. But now I am not really, and I just want to write. I can't write well, and I don't know how to be too creative when I'm drugged up on so many anti-depressants, but I want to write. I hope I can write a little more respectively than "lol."
Now I will put photos I have recently taken with my iPhone because, I am self-absorbed. These will include: me drinking pink champagne, my brother in American Apparel, my new record, and a bento I made yesterday.
So the article talked about the different ways that we are ironic, wearing silly clothes and liking old things, even taking new things and making them old - Instagram. All this being instant nostalgia and ironic- a defense mechanism we use, I guess. If we insult ourselves no one can do it for us. So the hipster is a rebirth of the cool beatnik with a dorky self awareness that yeah, we're played out. I guess, interesting, I guess.
I then read an article about someone who read the article (blog-ception) and who talked about how unimportant it is to talk about it. I think this article is kinda funny because isn't it the hip that initially love making fun of the hip and then eventually find talking about the hip to be overdone so they hate talking about the hip? Actually I don't know either, "cool" is so difficult.
Oh yeah the articles are right here:
How to Live Without Irony
New York Times Explores Hipster Irony
Anyways, my only comment I wanted to add is the lameness of original article to start talking about their generation. Said Generation X. The 90s who "actively did not care." Feminism, Berlin Wall, racial issues, all of these were at the forefront back then and after Y2K everything went to shit. Funny, I love the 90s- if I could live in any year it would be 1994. Mainly due to music but yeah, I kinda jam on that slacker style. But to try to fool yourselves - Generation X - that you were better than us, is such shit. My main reason? Because the previous generation fucked us over.
It's not completely your guys fault though. You had the traditional Baby Boomers to raise you with morals and a organized rebellious hippie flair. Then you guys listened to too much Nirvana and Jerry Springer was invented and now everyone I know is from broken homes and takes a lot of mediation. I'm glad "stay together for the kids" is not the mentality anymore but you need to sympathize with the difficulty of split parents. I dealt with it well but i know many people who were really hurt when the parents broke up. Drugs are also something I feel is new in the parents bonding world. I know a lot of people who get fucked up with their parents. That's weird, right?
Technology is also a big deal. People say we are technologically dependent Yeah it is, because it basically raised us. Sesame and School House Rock, Bill Nye were our biggest teachers. A lot of us grew up looking at screens. And what's on these screens impact us too. Sex and violence. So we are desensitized tech junkies and have access to too much information and porn via internet. That can fuck with some heads don't you think? So we like the idea of the past and our more innocent childhoods, and are all insecure, and have a handful of diagnosis by age 16. I can name 5 girls of the top of my head who have been diagnosed bi-polar. And I didn't even have to look at my friends list on Fasbuk for think of them.
There are actually a bunch of reasons Generation Y is fucked up but I'm not writing a damn thesis. I did want to use that to be my excuse for the poor writing in my first blog entries when I made this blog. I sound dumb and said "lol" too much. That is not me, I read too many books to sound like that. But, I was worried people would find my blog and I didn't really want to be too much of myself so I thought if I sounded dumber it would be more widely acceptable. I believe on my very first post I mention that I was defensive about it. But now I am not really, and I just want to write. I can't write well, and I don't know how to be too creative when I'm drugged up on so many anti-depressants, but I want to write. I hope I can write a little more respectively than "lol."
Now I will put photos I have recently taken with my iPhone because, I am self-absorbed. These will include: me drinking pink champagne, my brother in American Apparel, my new record, and a bento I made yesterday.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Chiclets From My Mind
As of yesterday I can cross off
1. drinking wine in the bath tub and
2.watching 240 minutes nonstop of Dawson's Creek
from my bucket list. I decided to organize that sentence in a different way because it was going to be a run-on anyways.
Tab: "Hey, so I know this is pretty awkward since we have been dating on and off for a while..."
Ivan: ::groans::
Tab: "Yeah, I'm like, gay."
Ivan: "No shit! Really? What? I wouldn't have guessed, for real. Like even before we were hooking up when I first met you, I didn't see you as gay. Maybe like, bi or something but not full fledged gay. I mean, I usually have a pretty good gay-dar you know?"
Tab: "Dude, how do you think I feel? I thought I had a good gay-dar. Like, totally know when someone is gay but had no idea I was. That's fucked up, dude."
Never try with someone. You give them back scratches in the middle of the night. You pluck that one hair on your big toe just in case he sees your toes up close and notices it. You eventually stop hanging out with everyone you knew and stop enjoying anything that you liked. There is no more partying because they'll be insecure and somehow make you feel like a slut if you want to go out drinking or dancing. You'll watch the most stupid and uninteresting movies because your taste are so different from each other that when you try to find a movie that is in the middle ground it is so far from anything in your tastes that it is a substance less blob and you'll realize you've been watching prime time television shows of Netflix. The only thing you'll do that gives you an excuse to dress nice, because you'll be out in public, is dinner. But you can't dress too nice because men will look at you, and you can only wear that form fitting shirt at home. Going out to dinner is only enjoyable because you don't have to talk too much and you're just eating. You realize you are more excited about eating some good food than being with them. You'll try to make friendly conversation and it just wont work and you'll realize you are just monologue-ing for forty minutes. Though he looks interested, it must be a practiced look because you realize you have already told him this story at least three times before. So you'll stop in mid-sentence and he will not even notice and you will feel alone. But you try and try again. Until you realize they have nothing to talk about.
But you are so person-less since you've been with them. You have been watching television and stopped creating art that you as well have nothing to talk about, except your past when they were not around and you did things that were interesting enough to be told later on over dinner. You have nothing to talk about anymore because you tried. Then they'll leave you and move back to Cape Cod.
If I were a fish, I'd be a catfish.
That long and dramatic paragraph was ostentatious and exaggerated Me and Buzz's relationship wasn't like that but the above paragraph sounds better written down than the truth.
I'm going to touch you very hard.
Last night I bought a Cosmopolitian magazine, I think it must be some guilty pleasure. Honestly though, I hate that magazine. Every issue is the same with the same sex tips and beauty secrets. But my biggest issue is more from a feminist standpoint. Cosmo advertises as being aimed towards "fearless" and "fun" women. All these articles on sexual independence and how awesome hooking up with guys is. Why is it if we are so independent that half of the magazine is "what he wants" kind of shit? Also, why does Cosmo ask girls to gauge their independence based upon sexuality? Isn't that a very male perspective to immediately sexualize the woman and then all other factors and attributes branch out from that original sexual platform that was used to conceptualize her?
I brought up that last sentence on Fasbuk and immediately got teased by male and females. Fucking ridiculous how feminism has to be such a bad thing. Girls are too afraid to own up to feminism because guys are such assholes about it because they don't want to be challenged. Like sure maybe I have some extreme views in our society- don't want to be sexualized .. guys should stop raping girls... and I think pornography is a bad thing all around. I'm so fucking radical. No, I'm just a fucking lady.
1. drinking wine in the bath tub and
2.watching 240 minutes nonstop of Dawson's Creek
from my bucket list. I decided to organize that sentence in a different way because it was going to be a run-on anyways.
Tab: "Hey, so I know this is pretty awkward since we have been dating on and off for a while..."
Ivan: ::groans::
Tab: "Yeah, I'm like, gay."
Ivan: "No shit! Really? What? I wouldn't have guessed, for real. Like even before we were hooking up when I first met you, I didn't see you as gay. Maybe like, bi or something but not full fledged gay. I mean, I usually have a pretty good gay-dar you know?"
Tab: "Dude, how do you think I feel? I thought I had a good gay-dar. Like, totally know when someone is gay but had no idea I was. That's fucked up, dude."
Never try with someone. You give them back scratches in the middle of the night. You pluck that one hair on your big toe just in case he sees your toes up close and notices it. You eventually stop hanging out with everyone you knew and stop enjoying anything that you liked. There is no more partying because they'll be insecure and somehow make you feel like a slut if you want to go out drinking or dancing. You'll watch the most stupid and uninteresting movies because your taste are so different from each other that when you try to find a movie that is in the middle ground it is so far from anything in your tastes that it is a substance less blob and you'll realize you've been watching prime time television shows of Netflix. The only thing you'll do that gives you an excuse to dress nice, because you'll be out in public, is dinner. But you can't dress too nice because men will look at you, and you can only wear that form fitting shirt at home. Going out to dinner is only enjoyable because you don't have to talk too much and you're just eating. You realize you are more excited about eating some good food than being with them. You'll try to make friendly conversation and it just wont work and you'll realize you are just monologue-ing for forty minutes. Though he looks interested, it must be a practiced look because you realize you have already told him this story at least three times before. So you'll stop in mid-sentence and he will not even notice and you will feel alone. But you try and try again. Until you realize they have nothing to talk about.
But you are so person-less since you've been with them. You have been watching television and stopped creating art that you as well have nothing to talk about, except your past when they were not around and you did things that were interesting enough to be told later on over dinner. You have nothing to talk about anymore because you tried. Then they'll leave you and move back to Cape Cod.
If I were a fish, I'd be a catfish.
That long and dramatic paragraph was ostentatious and exaggerated Me and Buzz's relationship wasn't like that but the above paragraph sounds better written down than the truth.
I'm going to touch you very hard.
Last night I bought a Cosmopolitian magazine, I think it must be some guilty pleasure. Honestly though, I hate that magazine. Every issue is the same with the same sex tips and beauty secrets. But my biggest issue is more from a feminist standpoint. Cosmo advertises as being aimed towards "fearless" and "fun" women. All these articles on sexual independence and how awesome hooking up with guys is. Why is it if we are so independent that half of the magazine is "what he wants" kind of shit? Also, why does Cosmo ask girls to gauge their independence based upon sexuality? Isn't that a very male perspective to immediately sexualize the woman and then all other factors and attributes branch out from that original sexual platform that was used to conceptualize her?
I brought up that last sentence on Fasbuk and immediately got teased by male and females. Fucking ridiculous how feminism has to be such a bad thing. Girls are too afraid to own up to feminism because guys are such assholes about it because they don't want to be challenged. Like sure maybe I have some extreme views in our society- don't want to be sexualized .. guys should stop raping girls... and I think pornography is a bad thing all around. I'm so fucking radical. No, I'm just a fucking lady.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
I'm Dramatically Sad, This Is My Angst Blog And Dawson's Creek
Everyone is leaving me.
Buzz is finally moving out of the apartment on the 27th. This give me ten days to prepare for his departure. It sucks and I will miss him. I know living with your ex boyfriend is not ideal and kinda stressful at times, but I still love Buzz and will miss him. David also isn't here very much. He is staying in New York with our biological father to do construction work and play Halo. -.- Stupid. I don't really know what to think... beyond.. "I should do the dishes and get up but I doubt I will and I want to cry."
I don't want to live alone. I've never lived alone. I can't do it. I'm a fragile baby damn it! I will have no one.... Loneliness and sorrow.
Okay I put on Dawson's Creek I hope this makes me feel better.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
I Can't Cook, I Like Bentos, And My Babies Have No Balls
I wish I knew how to cook. If it's not from a box I'm fucked.
Yesterday a co-worker came in eating her homemade sourdough bread with homemade goat milk cream cheese and avocado These people from Vermont I swear, lol. They make me feel so bad. She said sometimes she eats bad food. Pasta is bad food according to her. What the fuck just kill me now. All we eat is white rice and pasta in my house with tofu seitan vegan sausage or other stuff on it. I'm supposed to eat brown rice and ... tears I guess. I got quinoa because that is better for you I guess. Either way, we had tacos last night. But with lettuce and salsa. Those are veggies right? lol
What I really want to do is make cute bento. Because they are just so cute. Happylittlebento is a great blog for that. I love looking at all the amazing bento she makes for her kids! I tried to make a bento, it turned out like this:

In this I made an omelete to eat with rice. a gluten free waffle with cashew butter, and grilled onions and tofu with pesto. It's not amazing of cute, but I'm trying!!!
In other news, my babies got neutered last Thursday. My babies got no balls. I have been trying to find ways to cheer them up though. Been giving Blizzard lots of veggies and Thunder, well, he seems unfazed about not having balls. Blizzard is still pooing everywhere though, and spraying. :( I paid so much money to get him neutered so he wouldn't mark his territory but he is so damn insecure. He's lucky he is cute.
In this I made an omelete to eat with rice. a gluten free waffle with cashew butter, and grilled onions and tofu with pesto. It's not amazing of cute, but I'm trying!!!
In other news, my babies got neutered last Thursday. My babies got no balls. I have been trying to find ways to cheer them up though. Been giving Blizzard lots of veggies and Thunder, well, he seems unfazed about not having balls. Blizzard is still pooing everywhere though, and spraying. :( I paid so much money to get him neutered so he wouldn't mark his territory but he is so damn insecure. He's lucky he is cute.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
iPad, 3rd Generation, Is Somehow Related To Why I Hate Fat People And Why Michael Stipe Hurts.
Well hello new iPad!!
My brother David brought me the new iPad! 3rd gen. But then the day after he paid for it, Apple released the newest one. Wtf. Cannot afford to keep up with Apple. Assholes. I do like that I can type on the iPad like a regular keyboard but I plan on buying a wireless keyboard later. Right now I'm just hoping I can afford everything I need to pay for this pay period
Probably not. I hate when I don't have any money. I only get paid every two weeks and by the second week I'm lacking all the money. Food just isn't a possibility after a while.
On that note, wtf with weight. I've gained a bit right? As I complain about on the frequent, but then I'm like down five pounds. Ten up three. Today I'm like seven pounds less then I supposedly have been in a year. I just bought a scale though so maybe that is why. Before I would just weight myself at the doctors or in the changing room of the gym. Now I weigh myself everyday and record it.
Reminds me to not be a fatass. I think that is important. I hate fat people and don't want to be in their club.
And before anyone gets all angry about how rude that is and how much fat people get teased and their poor precious self esteems, let me just say fuck you. Fat people are fat because they eat too much it's your own damn fault so don't be an asshole. Fat people are some of the most rude mother fuckers. Bitching all the time in between all them Whoppers they shove in their mouths.
I remember I used to go shopping for clothes with some of my bigger friends and it was the most
miserable shopping experience in my life. I'd rather Black Friday over shopping with fatties any day. We would try on clothes and I was small in high school. Around 103-110. So these girls would just insult me all the time about how I was a skinny bitch and all the good dresses were only in small sizes.
Bitch, few things:
First of all, it ain't my problem you are fat and it ain't my fault. I know you don't really hate skinny people since you read all those Cosmo magazines and love celebrity gossip, you are just jealous and this is a coping mechanism. But, it is a shitty coping mechanism and you should learn to love
yourself without having to hate others. Or, just put the damn Whoppers down.
Second, I was not always a "skinny bitch" and worked hard to maintain that (not even skinny anymore) I was chubby in grade school and teased. My mom always gave me shit on my chubby tummy so I got into just not eating or throwing up or whatever and have always been stressed about weight since.
Third, I know my second point is not a healthy thing. I'm just saying, everybody hurts, everybody cries.
Fourth, I got a fucking iPad and leopard iPhone. Check it.
My brother David brought me the new iPad! 3rd gen. But then the day after he paid for it, Apple released the newest one. Wtf. Cannot afford to keep up with Apple. Assholes. I do like that I can type on the iPad like a regular keyboard but I plan on buying a wireless keyboard later. Right now I'm just hoping I can afford everything I need to pay for this pay period
Probably not. I hate when I don't have any money. I only get paid every two weeks and by the second week I'm lacking all the money. Food just isn't a possibility after a while.
On that note, wtf with weight. I've gained a bit right? As I complain about on the frequent, but then I'm like down five pounds. Ten up three. Today I'm like seven pounds less then I supposedly have been in a year. I just bought a scale though so maybe that is why. Before I would just weight myself at the doctors or in the changing room of the gym. Now I weigh myself everyday and record it.
Reminds me to not be a fatass. I think that is important. I hate fat people and don't want to be in their club.
And before anyone gets all angry about how rude that is and how much fat people get teased and their poor precious self esteems, let me just say fuck you. Fat people are fat because they eat too much it's your own damn fault so don't be an asshole. Fat people are some of the most rude mother fuckers. Bitching all the time in between all them Whoppers they shove in their mouths.
I remember I used to go shopping for clothes with some of my bigger friends and it was the most
miserable shopping experience in my life. I'd rather Black Friday over shopping with fatties any day. We would try on clothes and I was small in high school. Around 103-110. So these girls would just insult me all the time about how I was a skinny bitch and all the good dresses were only in small sizes.
Bitch, few things:
First of all, it ain't my problem you are fat and it ain't my fault. I know you don't really hate skinny people since you read all those Cosmo magazines and love celebrity gossip, you are just jealous and this is a coping mechanism. But, it is a shitty coping mechanism and you should learn to love
yourself without having to hate others. Or, just put the damn Whoppers down.
Second, I was not always a "skinny bitch" and worked hard to maintain that (not even skinny anymore) I was chubby in grade school and teased. My mom always gave me shit on my chubby tummy so I got into just not eating or throwing up or whatever and have always been stressed about weight since.
Third, I know my second point is not a healthy thing. I'm just saying, everybody hurts, everybody cries.
Fourth, I got a fucking iPad and leopard iPhone. Check it.
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