Sunday, November 4, 2012

iPad, 3rd Generation, Is Somehow Related To Why I Hate Fat People And Why Michael Stipe Hurts.

Well hello new iPad!!

My brother David brought me the new iPad! 3rd gen.  But then the day after he paid for it, Apple released the newest one. Wtf. Cannot afford to keep up with Apple. Assholes.  I do like that I can type on the iPad like a regular keyboard but I plan on buying a wireless keyboard later.  Right now I'm just hoping I can afford everything I need to pay for this pay period

Probably not.  I hate when I don't have any money.  I only get paid every two weeks and by the second week I'm lacking all the money.  Food just isn't a possibility after a while.

On that note, wtf with weight.  I've gained a bit right? As I complain about on the frequent, but then I'm like down five pounds. Ten up three. Today I'm like seven pounds less then I supposedly have been in a year. I just bought a scale though so maybe that is why.  Before I would just weight myself at the doctors or in the changing room of the gym.  Now I weigh myself everyday and record it.

Reminds me to not be a fatass.  I think that is important.  I hate fat people and don't want to be in their club.

And before anyone gets all angry about how rude that is and how much fat people get teased and their poor precious self esteems, let me just say fuck you.  Fat people are fat because they eat too much  it's your own damn fault so don't be an asshole.  Fat people are some of the most rude mother fuckers. Bitching all the time in between all them Whoppers they shove in their mouths.

I remember I used to go shopping for clothes with some of my bigger friends and it was the most
miserable shopping experience in my life.  I'd rather Black Friday over shopping with fatties any day.   We would try on clothes and I was small in high school. Around 103-110. So these girls would just insult me all the time about how I was a skinny bitch and all the good dresses were only in small sizes.

Bitch, few things:

First of all, it ain't my problem you are fat and it ain't my fault.  I know you don't really hate skinny people since you read all those Cosmo magazines and love celebrity gossip, you are just jealous and this is a coping mechanism.  But, it is a shitty coping mechanism and you should learn to love
yourself without having to hate others. Or, just put the damn Whoppers down.

Second, I was not always a "skinny bitch" and worked hard to maintain that (not even skinny anymore) I was chubby in grade school and teased. My mom always gave me shit on my chubby tummy so I got into just not eating or throwing up or whatever and have always been stressed about weight since.

Third, I know my second point is not a healthy thing. I'm just saying, everybody hurts, everybody cries.

Fourth, I got a fucking iPad and leopard iPhone.  Check it.

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