Tuesday, July 30, 2013

A Visit from Quoc!

A couple weeks ago my friend Quoc visited me from Hawaii!!!  It was such a blast.  I've known him since I was 14 but I hadn't seen him since.  We used to play DDR together because my older brother was friends with his older brother.  We were never close friends so when he said he was going to fly up to see me, I didn't really believe him.

While I was waiting for his plane to come in I played Mage Wars with my brother, until Thunder decided he was playing too!

Here is Quoc!  He helped me win Mage Wars.

 Here is David in the middle of our Mage Wars battle!

The next day I was getting ready for the day and I looked over and Quoc was playing with Thunder, how adorable.

One of the funniest things I found out was that Quoc is actually his middle name.  His first name is Kim!  Just like me!

When Thunder was bored of playing with Quoc he rested on the kitchen counter.

Then he looked down at me from the counter, what a cutie!!

That night my brother and I took Quoc to the best Japanese place in town, Koto!  We got a Scorpion Bowl for three.

When we came home we drank some more, very very colorful and tasty liquor.

My friend Cameron came over and we just hung out, listened to music, and when swimming!

The day after that we had a delicious taco night, our friend Hannah joined in as Head Chef.

When Quoc left, he snuck a message in my sketchbook. It said "Happy Birthday Bunni"  :D

Thanks for visiting Quoc!  You are invited to Vermont whenever you like!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

My Birthday/Commence My Vacation!

Saturday is my birthday!  I'm excited because Buzz just told me we are going to the Essex Resort and Spa!  Super excited.  Never been to a resort or a spa before.  I'll be sure to take a ton of pictures!

Last weekend my old friend Quoc came to visit, I had not seen him since I was 14.  Before Hurricane Katrina.  It was crazy seeing him again, we are so different.  He is in the Army now and lives in Hawaii, he had leave so he went and visited lots of his old friends.  I'm flattered that I'm included under "friends."  We played board games when he came in on Thursday night.  Friday we went downtown with my brother followed by a nice nap, then Cameron came over and we drank and had fun at my apartment (community pool is so worth it!)  Saturday we went downtown for dumplings and went home again because we were so full wtf lazy, I know.  Then we hung around and went back out to go see live music.  If was a funky band that did a fun cover of War Pigs.  Sunday I had to work all day but during my break we made tacos and watched Who Framed Roger Rabbit.  I miss him now.  I hope I can visit him in Hawaii at some point maybe.  :)

I've taken all of next week off from work to celebrate my day of birth, I've never taken so many days off from work ever.

Last night I read, and today I got my nails done and hung out with my girlfriends Grace and Ally.  We also went to Sephora where I got make up and moisturizer.   Tomorrow Buzz comes in and then it's off to the resort!

Because it is my birthday I'm added a new page to my blog "My Wishes" is my wishlist on Amazon.  I strongly suggest everyone buy me a birthday present.  :D

Alright everyone, have a good night!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Summer Looks

You know you want to look at more pictures of me.

At work with some green eyeliner around my eyes.  Glasses are Dolce and Gabana, cant see too easily but black shirt is Gap and brown top in H & M.

My two lady friends hanging out with me by my community pool, left is Ally, she is wearing my Victoria's Secret bathing suit.  Right is Grace, opening a beer,

Instagram pic of kitty shirt!

This is my original pic of kitty shirt, it was a present from this website where all shirts are $6!  I miss the red hair.

This was mother's day, I got a flower and chocolate from work!  (And cheese...)

I don't promote smoking, but the ONE DAY I've gone to the beach this summer.

Sexy pic, I know I know.  Sun glasses from American Eagle, bathing suit from Victoria's Secret, cancer from Camel Crush.

I think this is the best picture I've ever taken of myself.

I call this one "Crazy Bunny Lady."

Oh the road to get Snickers, my foster bun.  Top and skirt from Urban Outfitters.

Same road trip.  Earrings were a gift.  :)

I call this one "Crazy Cat Lady."

This is me just bragging about my weight loss, shirt was a gift, jammie shorts from Abercrombie and Fitch.

I was at the eye doctor's, found these glasses with metal studs on them!

In an Urban Outfitters in Boston, Buzz bought me two outfits.  This is outfit one.

This is outfit two. The angle makes my thighs look fat.  But look at the pink bunny satchel!  It's to hold cell phones.  So cute!!

Same purple shorts with a band tank top, super 90s look.  

I am trying to get a full sized mirror in my room, till then you'll just have to be subject to my bathroom.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

It's So Hard Being Acute

I am taking 2 classes right now and one of them is Algebra.  I hate Algebra.  No matter how much I study... my product is 70 on all my quizzes.  I frequently consider doing a number on the teacher, jumping on a desk, and lecturing him on how unimportant this is in most everyone lives.  I'm a rational person, but unless you grow up to engineer or science stuff, digit is not necessary!

Inverse you were wondering, I DO study.  I spend time outside of class trying to study and I get absolutely unmotivated and my head starts to hertz.  It's not unmotivated in the Oh whatever Sigma go watch TV kinda way.  It's the It's over.  My life is over.  The Algebra sum, and I lost.  I secant beat it's power.  

It's just such a quad-radical shift from the academics I'm used to studying.  Even with my notes, odd just can't do it.  I figure it's a sine I need help.  Plus, I have division problems and it is very difficult to see notes on the board.

This pain-in-the-axes guy who sits adjacent to me is constant-ly trying to help me.  He gamma me his number so I could call him.  As if buddy, domain of my dream is not a condescending, forceful butt whole.  I left the number on the table.  I want to parallel at him to just shut the FOIL up.  

Yesterday, I integer my classroom early and people are already square.  I tried to study, but a very plane guy moved hex to me and began to help me.  The pain-in-the-axes guy who usually sits next to me (dimension how much I dislike this guy?) came two class and was angry this plane guy was helping me.

Pain-In-The-Axes starts complaining about wanting to sit in his seat, (no assigned seats in college, hello).  So Plane Guy moves to the other side of me and I tangent escape the awkwardness!  Lemma tell you, Plane Guy was helping me and Pain-In-The-Axes interrupted all the time to correct him!  They basically fought over who would help me and Pi just wanted to graph at them for being so radius-culous.

Lateral, at the end of class, Plane Guy asked if I wanted his number, I declined.

Iota tell the both of them that they Beta leave me alone.  I can easily be in the mode to be really mean.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Cute and Kawaii Apps for the iPhone - Part Two

I'm gotten such positive feedback from my last Cute and Kawaii Apps blog post, that I thought I'd share some more!!
It can be so hard to find good apps that are free.  I personally don't ever really pay for apps because I know I could find something just as good for free.  The only exception to this was Triple Town.  I love Triple Town.

So I went on the app store to really hunt and track down the best and the cutest, and also apps I would actually use.  I haven't really searched for new apps in about a year so I found some real cute ones!  Here are 6 cute and kawaii apps.  None are games since I lose interest in games, and they are all free cause I ain't paying, but they are apps I find useful/fun.

1.  Kuma DL Free:

This app is for Rilakkuma video watching.  When opening the app there is it's very own Rilakkuma web browser with a bunch of saved video links to look up video sites.  Find videos you want and download them to your phone so you can watch them whenever - don't need internet or WiFi.

Once a video is downloaded, you can watch it in this super cute Rilakkuma video player!  

Of course the video I watch is red pandas playing in snow.

2.  Weather Pup:
I have been searching far and wide for a cute weather app.  There are stylish weather apps, like WeatherMob is cool, but not cute.  I have finally found a cute weather app, and it have puppies.  I hate the adds, but I'm pretty good at ignoring them and I really like FREE.

3.  PaigeeWorld:
Everyone like to draw anime, it's just fun.  Cute girls with big eyes and hot guys with big guns.  This app gives you tutorials on how to draw anime and allows you to share your art with others.  I'm surprised at how large the community on PaigeeWorld is.  People upload pictures like two every minute.  Very active and supportive community.  It's cute and fun and is getting me back into drawing.  :)

4.  Private Album:
This is a cute app with a simple design.  All you do is set up a password and save all your naughty pics in there!

5.  DecoDentaku:
Along with a weather app, I've been looking for a cute calculator app too.  I used to have this really kawaii Japanese app that was a sleeping sheep with a calculator on him and you had to wake him up to use the calculator.  But, they got rid of it in America's App Store and it's only available in Japan now.  Boo.  But, I found this app that is super cute!  You can choose purple blue or pink (I chose pink duh).  It's a simple and pretty app.

6.  Reviocam:
Short video social networking is blowing up since Vine got popular and now Instagram is doing it too.  I use both of those, but with Reviocam you can add cute stickers and frames like purikura apps like Snapeee.  It's still kinda slow but definitely one to check out.

I filmed Buzz to try out the app and added a little panda to lay on the bed lol

This is a short list but I will probably post more in the future.  What apps do you guys use?