Saturday, August 16, 2014

What Have I Been Up To? Comics!

People have been upset I haven't been blogging in the past six months, and other than just having a more busy social life and smoking more weed, I've been doing more art. Blogging isn't art, it's an online diary I can easily share this those interested.  (Hi Mom and Dad!) I've been making more music and writing songs.  I only recorded one song, and I'm not done or happy with, but you can hear it here. I also have started a new Tumblr for just my writings.  It's one of the tabs on this blog "My Words" some old, some new. I draw but I don't have one place for it all, but I will eventually. But what I'm most excited about is Sad Sack! 

I have a very talented friend, Grace, with a distinct art style that I really like. I have been wanting to make a comic with her for a while. We finally have something going.  I've written the first chapter and she is drawing it!  After she draws it I've been putting it in photoshop and coloring it! 

So, sometimes we drink wine and sit on the floor of my apartment and Grace will draw a panel in this big sketch book she has.  It looks like this:

Then, I take a shitty iPhone picture of it (like what you see above) and then Photoshop it on my Mac until it looks something like this:

And then we repeat the process.

And repeat again.

My bosses at Localvore Today are supportive of my comic and said I can use their scanner. So, future panels will be even better!

On a related comic book note, read Batman: Earth One.  My wonderful friend Jimmy James let me borrow it and it's so good. Seriously.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

A Collection of Photobooth Pictures I Have Taken at Work

Where have I been?  What am I doing? I have been getting in trouble for ignoring my blog.  Well I have been a busy bee.  For example, I recently got put on salary at Localvore Today, my job I've been working at since I left COTS in December.  In the 6 months I've worked at Localvore, I like to occasionally take pictures in Photobooth. Because, I'm in an office, what else am I supposed to do?  Work? lol

Sunday, May 25, 2014

This is What it is Like to Be a Girl on OKCupid

I love having an OKCupid account, though I have never met any of the people on it.  But I sign on every now and then to read the influx of messages I get (this isn't bragging, all girls on OKCupid get a zillion messages) and kinda giggle at what people send me.  Here are some of my favorites:

"hi kim, im ben. do you want to like exchange a bunch of internet messages for a while and then get a beer or something and then go on a few more dates and then become a relationship and then fall in love and then when zombies happen gather supplies together and escape to a remote area where we can stay and defend until it all settles down and then help rebuild society and repopulate the earth together? if you do then message me back so we can get started."

"With red hair you look the best"

"Dude you did a good job writing that about me page. You've convinced me"

"Cots is a really awesome place. -Martin"

"​you know I never tried sushi with donuts before... I bet it's good with a good frosting of wasabi. Thanks for the suggestion!"   <- I never said anything to this person.

"I like your bunnies! 
Let's have a guitar jam!!"

"Nice profile. What do you paint? I edit photos by doing body paint. :)"

"Hey What's up? How do you think "Blade Runner" (one of my top 5 movies) compares to "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep"?"

"Hey there, I would like to take a moment and be as honest as I can with you... I've been wanting to send you a message for the last couple of days, but I've just been too nervous to follow through. The combination of your personality, the adorable way in which you are as honest as you can be even in the relatively smaller aspects of your bio, and your undeniably stunning elegance (I couldn't think of any other way to accurately put it) all caught me dumbfounded and I wasn't sure how one would go about beginning a greeting, let alone a conversation, with someone with the alluring nature of yourself. haha I know this is a quite romanticized greeting, that last sentence was probably a run-on, and I apologize if it caught you off guard, but I would greatly appreciate a chance to get to know you better as a person :)

For starters, if you had a choice to live the rest of your life on either a space station or a station built at the very bottom of the marinas trench, which would you choose and why?"

"​Hey:) my bf and I are looking for another woman to play with;) We've never done anything like this before so we're hoping to find a gorgeous girl to show us the ropes;) hit us up if you're interested. Julie and Matt" <--Why do they think I know anything about this?"

"Stalkin' up on yo bitch ass!"

"I grew up in the 90s so obviously we would get along great. Ooo the memories"

"you arelooking sexY!"

"I am 80's guy are you 90's girl?"

"​what was the craziest hallucination you have had when you smoked weed lol?"

"​Hi Kimberly. You're absurdly sexy. I'd like to buy you dinner. ... And then... If you're even half-as-cute in-person, I'll likely seduce you."

"Are you kink curious?"

"can you handle me getting me laid please i give u 100.00 ty"

"since you arent serious anyway, would you like to chat with an old man"

"Hey... you seem kinda sweet ..but with a little salt... am I close? Anyway... I maybe too old for you (though I still get carded for beer sometimes!) And most folks guess my age lower by about 10 years... oh well, not a bad thing I guess. I teach at a local college I pulled my photo when some co_workers and students found me here.... anyway..happy to send a photo to an email addy. I used to work at 95 north ave! Wouldn't that be like the weirdest thing if you had my old office? "

"Happy Birthday Elliott Smith."

"Brohoof for VTPonies, and, I guess Tapehoof for Cassettes. Yeah, that makes sense. So do you record guitar cassettes as well? You should record a million pretend albums, make covers for them and give them to people. I may only be saying that because that's what I do. But still. Continue being awesome, soldier.

(trots along)"  <-- Probably my favorite

"You look like the secretary from Ghostbusters. In like a really cool sexy way."

"So having this as a joke, and then run into a bunch of people I know is interesting. Also super weirding me out. I gave you a five star rating, cause you so sexy. Mostly I'm still on here because I'm discussing polyamory with people to gain a better inside understanding for purposes of social analysis and anthropology stuff. That's what I do."

"Hey there. Probably totally uncalled for, but I just wanted to say you are delicious :-)"

"lol you look familiar."

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Beauty Apps

So I downloaded a few apps, "Beauty Apps," that had high star ratings.  Most beauty apps come out of Korea or Japan and have a really cute interface and menu that are very user friendly.  They allow you to slim your face, make your eyes bigger, nose smaller, boobs bigger. They present it in this innocent almost childish way, with cartoons illustrating how big you can make your boobs look.  It's creepy. 

I decided to edit some pictures of mine to the point where I thought it wasn't attractive anymore.  The pictures on the left are unedited and filterless, some pictures are less flattering than others.  There is a couple where I kinda look like butt, but(t) better than the picture on the right (in my opinion.)  The editing is kinda crappy in some (like #5) and some I spent more time on than others.  In a couple I even enlarged the eyes of Cotton (the rabbit) so that she, too, could be kawaii anime desuuu.  The apps I've used here are LINE Camera and BeautyPlus, I used InstaCollage to juxtapose the pictures.

This is a project I plan to continue doing. Thoughts? Opinions? What do people think of "Beauty Apps"?

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

So Neglected, Here is Some Writing

I was going to preface this with an explanation but I wont.  I wanted to share some writing and I decided to go way back.  Back when I was 15.  I wrote this somewhere in 2006.  Some of it is true, some of it isn't.  You can tell I really liked Perks of Being a Wallflower back then. 

I cried tonight.
No, it wasn't that I was wallowing in my teen angst, mad at the world. No, I was happy. Oh boy how I was happy. 
One of the best moments of my life. See, I was riding home with my mom from the store with the windows rolled down. We 
were listening to Enya's Return to Innocence, I don't care if that song isn't cool, it's beautiful. 
We were riding down the highway with all the lights and open signs. It was in that moment I decided everything is alright.
I'm always worried the future. If I'll get into the right school. The right house. Right life mate. I want these things. 
I believe if I have these things I will lead a happy life. But in that moment, with the fresh air, shinging lights, smiling mother, 
and that beautiful Indian man's voice, I relized  I have the whole world infront of me. And that lit-up highway was a reminder 
of how very young I am. I smiled and couldn't help but cry. It was so perfect, me and my mother riding along, smiling and 
enjoying the same song. I had to try and fight the tears back though. I didn't want to ruin the moment. And I knew my
mother wouldn't understand if I started to cry. She think's I'm over emotional. She's probally right.    227
Or atleast that's what I thought.

God, so I got this brother right? And he's great. I mean coolest fuxking guy in the world. Well, he wasn't cool. Infact he was 
pretty un-cool.  But hot damn was he great.I mean I have all these great moments with him. Just stuff in the past and how great it all

Now I'm begining to think Mom would understand if I was crying. You see, right after I finished choking down my tears my 
mother drove into another car. I think that she was also crying. But where I was crying in the delight of my youthfulness, 
I believe she was crying over her age. Resulting in a car wreck. This car wreck was no accident. She skillfully rammed into 
the other car so that she got severly injured and I only got a few scratches. Now we are in the hospital, I am obediantly 
at her side, she in unconsious and getting stiches, and the nurses look at me wide eyed like they think I am going to try to 
kill myself too.     354


Friday, April 4, 2014

the young dont die

Since I'm going through old documents I am find a lot of writings from my past.  This is a poem my ex boyfriend, James, wrote.  His assignment was to write a poem using only the words of others, he had to interview someone, record it, and from that make a poem.  The question was something about my closest brush with death.  An experience when I almost died.  I was 18, so back then it was this and it makes a funny poem.  If it was made now it would be about overdosing on Adderall, and that's just not as humorous and everyone has already read too many overdose poems.  I think he did a great job capturing my voice.  I think this is good stuff and I bet my mom wouldn't mind reading it.  

James Spurlock 
Sarah Yahm
Ordinary Lives
22 February 2010

the young don’t die

After my mom left Kenny
I was six, she was 29
Uh, she got this blue car
This blue little sports car
It’s important that it was a sports car, because it was trendy. 

Can I have my coffee?

So she had this sports car
She loved it.
It was kind of her way of saying: f-you Kenny 
I can__

She got into a lot of wrecks.
Because she was frantic
Single mother, and
You know, David was really Ashburgy
So David was a handful.

We didn’t meet Dad—Pete until
I think I was like 7 ½ 

My coffee’s too hot.

So we lived in a trailer.
My mom got a refrigerator, and 
I lived in the box of the refrigerator for a month—or two, and 
David lived in the box, and 
We lived in the box together—in the trailer.
Because we were moving up—you know
Because we didn’t like our trailer
But we had a box—in the trailer

I don’t know we played pretend in it, and it was a great box
Finally my mom was like 
Fuck your box, I’m folding it up, and I’m going to go take it away to the dump.
But she never did
So there was this folded box laid on the entire back seat of our car, and
She was kind of a lazy mom, and 
We never wore seatbelts. 

When Pete came along he was like
Hey you kids wear your seatbelt when you’re in the car with me!
We were like NOoo! Oh my Ga—Nooo, and made this big deal about it.
I was a short, little eight years old so the seatbelt went across my face
I wrestled with it…
A lot of people forget they’re wearing it, and they just
Mold their will.
It’s only been the past 2 years I’ve been willing to wear seatbelt.
I’ve just been like uh, get the Fuck Off. I’m free damnit
It’s America.
 This is me swatting. 

My mom hit—she rear ended someone.
The cardboard on the box was really fun,
Because when she turned, me and David’s ass went sli-flying, because 
No one got to ride shotgun, so
We would slide on the card board of the back seat, 
Because it’s not as if we were bound in, and 
You can slide on cardboard very easily.
And uh…
Mom hit something, and 
Me and David went wish, and 
It wasn’t fun that time.

I didn’t get a scratch on me, but 
It was kind of scary, and 
I could have almost died.

There were no police.
There was no big to do.
We didn’t stop driving!

Mom turned around and was like wa-wa—PUT YOUR FUCKING SEATBELT ON!

A Letter From Jacob Powell

I was going through my old Google Drive on my Bunni333 email that I barely use anymore.  I found a letter Jacob Powell had left me once, it seems I must have left a paper I was writing up on my old Toshiba laptop and he just went on while I was asleep and wrote this.  I'm sharing this because he is gone now, and that's hard to deal with sometimes.

Kim Rabideau

World Lit.

Mr. Corey Mc Coulley

9 February 2011

One Thousand and One Nights

Dear Kim,

I’m sorry I didn’t say good bye before leaving.  It was one of those “you-look-so-darn-cute-don’t-have-the-heart-to-wake-you” moments.  Sorry I’ve been so sleepy.  I’ll make sure we do something special soon.  I hope you have a really great day. Not to ruin the mood of this letter, but don’t forget to take your meds.  I’ll be in the studio pretty late today.  Stay in touch.


also, this is me. :*
and this is you *:


Thursday, March 27, 2014

Updating the Cosmos. Jobs, Games, Concerts, Books.

I haven't written for quite some time because I've been living differently, part of my different lifestyle includes not really using the computer as much.  I have a job now with a local business where I put up website content, edit photos and videos for the business, and stuff like that.  It all requires me to work on my MacBook, so after work I don't like to play on my computer.  Instead I play app games on my phone, Pokemon, or Harvest Moon.  You know, important things like that.

I've also been a lot more social lately, and while I like that, it is weird to be social so often.  I don't have enough time to be neurotic and over analyze everything if I'm constantly participating in life.  It is probably for the best. But, on this lazy Thursday off, I am enjoying sitting alone in my apartment, listening to the sounds of my rabbits drinking out of their water bottle, and appreciating the little bit of sun New England has permitted me in this godforsaken Vermont.  We broke a record on coldest-and-most-bullshit-miserable-winter ever.  Yet, I have tried very hard to have a fun and enjoyable winter.  I have seen Pixies, Neutral Milk Hotel, and Nobunny in concert.  I have been to Boston, Ithica, Manchester, and Plattsburgh.  I have a new foster bunny, and a consistent Taco Tuesday to look forward to every week.  I am hoping that this summer is even better.  It's been nice since I stopped working at the homeless shelter.  My heart is lighter, and I have more time to enjoy myself.

Not to mention all the great movies I've watched!  So much Netflix!  Thank god for Netflix, what the hell would people do without it?  Especially with all the movie rental places closing down.  lol

I'm just updating because it feels proper, what I really want to do is lay in bed and read The Year of the Hare.  Which is a Finnish book about a guy named Walden, probably, who goes Into the Wild, with probably a Hatchet.  But the difference between this book and all those other back to basics books is that this one has a rabbit in it.  That is enough of a difference to intrigue me and make me watch to read it.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Fuck the Haters

I do not understand the "Hater" culture.  So often people have statuses on Fasbuk, of pictures with text saying "Fuck the Haters" or "Fuk the H8rs." What Haters?  You work at Subway, you are close with your family, you have a small but tight group of friends, and you probably are crazy about Dr. Who - please tell me where you found these "Haters" because I'm pretty sure no one gives a fuck about your life.  There is this whole culture that derives from our internet usage, where people need everyone to know they don't care about their "haters."

I thought haters were silly and I scoffed but then I realized I had haters.

Haters in fact, on my BLOG.
My little blog where I write about silly stuff.  Seriously, I write about my rabbits and cute phone apps- and I have haters.

There are people that have never met me, and do not know me, that stalk my blog and talk shit about me.

Luckily I have readers that are friends, family, and even people I don't know who tell me they like reading my blog and I get sweet emails.  It's for that stuff that I keep having a blog.  So many people in my life are scattered all over America, and here is a site where they can be updated on me or whatever I feel like talking about.   I even have a pretty solid reading base over in Asia, how cool is that?

Nonetheless, some people out there wanna hate on my harmless blog, unfortunately it's usually girls and it's usually girlfriends of my ex boyfriends.  How sad, right?  I've been told there are girls who get angry just at my name coming up in conversation.  These "haters" talk shit about my appearance, my weight, my family, etc.  I like to remain open and honest in my writing, but just because I'm willing to be vulnerable doesn't mean I will let myself be hurt by the cruel words of haters.

What really bothers me is a hater talked shit about this video.

This is a video from 2012 where I took Blizzard to the park in his pink angel harness.  Buzz filmed it, an in it Blizz explores the outside and hops around and I giggle like an idiot.  Yes I admit I sound dumb in this video, but I am okay with that.  Why?  Because I am fucking happy in this video.  I love this video and I love this memory.  I love that rabbit more than most things in this world and he is dead now, this is one of the best videos I have of him.

Yet, some hater talked shit about how stupid I sound and couldn't believe someone would date me.  Why?  Because I'm a dork who loves bunnies and I giggle in a park?  You're right, I'm so not girlfriend material.

It doesn't even make sense, like if you are going to insult me at least have good points.  Like this post where I look like a serial killer and talk about how self conscious I am.  Or that I was homeless for a year and had really short dykey hair.  Or that I dance really silly and sometimes I forget to wear deodorant.

Just don't insult my babies.  Don't insult my bunnies.  Don't insult my Blizzard.

I wish I could talk shit about the various girls that have caused me pain.  My haters.  I've had many over the years.  Most notably would be my Arch Nemesis, Tori Weaver.  But I don't even want to insult her.  She just got out of jail and seems to be doing well.  She messaged me and wants to make amends.  This time I think she is being genuine about it.

All of my haters are all just girls that are insecure about me.  I've already talked about Girl on Girl Hate so I will try not to be redundant. But, I understand why they do the things they do.  I just don't understand why to the extent.  I've had girls steal boyfriends, friends, even family for a little while, from me.  I've had girls share naked pictures of me to my grandparents and all my Fasbuk friends.  I've had girls get me kicked out of where I was living, and steal clothes/money/drugs/etc. from me.

And now I've had girls talk shit about me being happy with my pet bunny.

Really, haters?  You can't do better than that?

I'm not really asking for a challenge.  But I will say that I will not tolerate anyone talking shit about Blizzard.  Like a samurai, I must protect the honor of my family and I.  If anyone dishonors my family again, I will scalp them like Beatrix Kiddo did Orishi Ren.

I will now end this post with photos of selfies and bunnies.  Because I love me, and I love my babies.  This is my blog to share what I want.  So yeah, fuck the haters.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Daily Facial Skin Care Treatment

I have really good skin.  Really, my face is pretty good.  I have better skin now than when I was younger.  Behold, very rare photos of me without make up.

I like to spend more money on skin care than makeup.  My thought process is, I would rather take care of my body then it get uglier and I have to buy more makeup to cover it up.  Some people are born with great skin and I am not one of them.  The dark circles under my eyes isn't anything I can fix.  I already got the hallows of my eyes filled in with injection fillers but the discoloration is still there.  Considering how bad my face could be, I'm doing a good job.  No acne, usually, minor blemishes, and super soft.  My cheeks feel like a baby's butt I swear.  

So I thought I would share my facial skin care daily routine.  I do this EVERYDAY because I am dedicated to someday being homecoming queen.  


Step 1 - The Body Shop Aloe Gentle Facial Wash  

Step 2 - Shiseido Benefiance WrinkleResist24 Day Cream  SPF 15

I just want to mention here the SPF.  I used to never want to have SPF because I am so pale I need some color!  Until I realized sun makes your skin lose elasticity.  I don't want any jowls and saggy boobs when I'm older so I have learned to embrace my porcelain skin.  

Step 3 - Shiseido Benefiance WrinkleResist24 Eye Cream 

 That little spatula there is to get the cream out of the jar without putting your germy fingers in it, genius I know.

After all this I only put on a power foundation, since my skin feels so good I don't want to ruin it with liquid foundation.  I can never get liquid foundation to ever match my skin tone anyways so I always get my face a totally different tone than the rest of my body.  Be looking like Joker.


Step 1 - Proactive Renewal Cleanser

I know Proactive says to use their stuff in the morning and the evening, but that dried out my skin too much.  

Step 2 - Proactive Revitalizing Toner 

I only use toner every other day so my skin doesn't get dry patches.

Step 3 - Proactive Repairing Treatment

Step 4 - Josie Maran 100% Pure Argan Oil

This one was a game changer, my face is so much softer since I've been putting this on my face before bed.

Step 5 - Glam Glow YouthMud

This is a mask I only use once a week.  Proactive has a face mask, but I don't use it because I like this one way more!

Step 6 - Shiseido Benefiance WrinkleResist24 Eye Cream 

I put this one on morning and night because I don't want crows feet.  

After all of this is done then I can finally go to sleep.  Even nights I go out drinking, I will drunkenly pamper my face before I pass out.  And then wake up sad I dehydrated my skin so much.  Remember, water is the best thing you can give you face.  

Step 7 - Hydrate! 

Friday, January 3, 2014


Welcome to 2014.  Are you ready?  Let's hope it is a good year.  2013 was a very full year.  Let's see how I did with my resolutions.  

Read 22 books

Nope, didn't accomplish this but it is a good goal and I tried. 

1. Animals in Translation 
2. The Dance of Anger 
3. Healing Sex (reading)
4. Different Seasons (reading)
5. Mockingjay 
6. Peter Pan 
7. The Secret 
8. Science Fiction shorts (reading)
9. Promiscuities (reading)
10. Wither 
11. Great Expectations (reading)
12. Tom Sawyer 
13. Children of the Mind (reading)
14. 50 Shades of Grey 
15. Yellow Wallpaper
16. House of Leaves 
17. The Bad Seed
18. The Gum Theif (reading) 
19. Etiquette (reading)

Speak French on a conversational level

Well I've been using the Doulingo application for a little while.  Je suis une mouche. That is a sentence I learned today.  I am a fly.  So if I ever end up in France, and become a fly, then yes I can converse. 

Improve guitar skills

Not sure if I really did this, though I played a little.  Guitar is just a hobby. 

Improve bass skills

Same can be said for the bass guitar. 

Improve ukulele skills, memorize ukulele chords

I have learned some more ukulele, I have memorized chords, and I played it more than guitar.  Because it is easier and I am lazy about playing music. It is just a hobby.  

Learn some violin

Look, me and the violin don't get along well.  

Lose 10 pounds

Lost 20 pounds actually. 

Get under eye surgery 

I sure did. 

Get on a good amount of ADD medication

Yep, 15 mgs of Adderal, and no I won't sell it to you.  Please stop asking. 

Go back to college

I did this and got my Associates!

Keep Thunder and Blizzard alive

I half did this.  Blizzard is dead (as I have mentioned 1000 times before) but Thunder is still kicking. 

Set up payment on Mom's parent plus loan

Nope, didn't do this.  But Mom is filing bankruptcy and said not to worry about it.  

Get rabbit tattoo

I got my tattoo! It looks great. 

Cut back on smoking

I sure have! Only about 1-3 cigarettes a day. 

Help David get custody of Emma Leigh

This one isn't really my fault.  I tried but it's more David's thing than mine. 

Learn how to text in Japanese

I didn't do this because I found it minor and wanted to work on other projects. 

So, goal wise I did okay.  Here are my 2014 New Years Resolutions.

Keep Thunder, Leopold Stokowski, and Penelope alive. 

 Preferably keep Howdy, my hamster, alive as well.  But, his brother, Robert Brown Butt, just died last night.  So, I'm weary.  But I hear Howdy running in his wheel right now.  He's a great ham.  :D 

Get a good paying job. 

I need a new job and it's kind of exciting because where I was working before I was barely making it.  Now, I can aspire to make money to live comfortably!  I wanna make like $20 an hour.  So I'm looking for a real good job, doing something I enjoy.  

Do yoga 5 days a week

I really enjoy the yoga I do, and I better keep it up!

Blog once a week

I know, This is ambitious.  Resolutions are supposed to be ambitious.  So, blog once a week.  Yep.

Write 1000 words 5 days a week.

Whether I'm writing a blog post, or working on my story (today I've done both) I want to write at least 1000 words.  I've reach ed my quota for today.  Just need to keep it up!

Maintain a weight of 110-115 pounds.

I don't want to get sickly skinny, but I like being a smaller size.

Read 15 book.

I used to try to read my age in books, I started this when I was 15.  For the last seven years I've kept this goal but as I get older I have to read more books and have less time to do it.  I don't want to set myself up to fail.  So, 15 books will be my standard yearly goal.  Last year I only finished 11, though I am in the process of reading a bunch more, so 15 is a good goal I believe.   

Go to Venice. 

I Kickstarted a book called A Rabbits Guide To Venice.  When I got it Buzz agreed to go with me to Venice sometime in early August — between both of our birthdays.  I look forward to this because I have never been to Europe and i don't want to put it off any longer.

Foster and adopt out 2 rabbits.

Sometimes it is hard to get a bun bun adopted.  But, 2 is a good goal. If the rabbits aren't cute they are harder to adopt out — which is stupid — but I'm sure there are good people out there who would adopt a white red eye bunny.  

Polish up my documentary for House Rabbit Network.

I went to Massacucettes to film a documentary about HRN for my film class.  HRN would like to have a copy to use as an informative tool, but I want to improve it first.  I've only taken 1 intro to filmmaking class, but I want to do the best I can.

Figure out where I am going to live in June. 

When this lease is up in June I'm not sure where I should live.  David wants to move back to Mississippi so I need to find a roommate or move elsewhere or something.  I got 5 months to figure it out.  

Practice French for 10 minutes everyday.

Woo Doulingo!

Practice fine art once a week

Painting, drawing, whatever.  Just make art.

Make a comic four times a week.

My Dystopian Nuclear Holocaust has been lacking because I needed a stylus, but I bought one today so let's hope I keep with it.

I guess that is good for now.  I have other things I want, you know, find a significant other, go to some fly (mouche) concerts, get my Blizzard tattoo, rock and roll, stuff like that.  But I always have wants for love, music, and body modifications.

Happy New Year I hope we all have a great year!